chapter 20 | Kiss me

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— Three days later —

Saturday, October 26, 2019.

9:20 am.

"Come in!" my father answers to the person who just knocked on the door, my brain making me hope for his favorite employee to be the one there. Once the door opens, the tall figure causes a smile to form on my face, but he catches me off guard. "Good morning," Jungkook bows to us, putting his eyes back on my father after beaming at me. "Hey, what brings you here?"

"I finished the first theme of the project, Mister Kim," he walks up to him, seeming enthusiastic about his work. "Perfect, let me check it out," my father grabs it and leaves what he was doing to focus on the designs Jungkook made. Since I want to see it too, I stand up and walk up to them, getting Jungkook to peek at me, curiously.

We both smile at each other, but I get by my dad's side to lay my attention on what Jungkook created. That's more than amazing, as expected from him. I love everything he does.

"That's perfect," I opine myself, smiling but looking up at him. He keeps his hands behind his back, showing some shyness in front of my compliments. He grins, but his big eyes land on my dad, licking his lips nervously. It's so cute when he lacks confidence.

As my father is still scrutinizing the designs, Jungkook raises his eyes up to me, catching me staring. I fiddle with my fingers, standing next to my dad, who doesn't care about anything but the work his favorite colleague provides him. The man, whose eyes are oddly remaining into mine, bites onto his inner cheek, getting me to drop my focus on his glossy and rosy lips that are delicately moving. I tighten my hold on one of my fingers, wrapping my whole hand around it but seeing his tongue pass over his lips.

"That's amazing, Jungkook," my father ruins the moment and gets the man to grin at him, giving his attention to him and not me anymore. "Really? You like it?"

"Yes, I absolutely find it unique and new, which is not easy to find anymore. I love your way of seeing the items, the modernity into it, all the small details that make it even more futuristic and luxury, I truly love it," he smiles, closing the file to place it down on his desk. "I'm glad you like it, Mister Kim."

"I'll send a copy of this to the other company, I'm pretty sure they will like it because, with all honesty, I never dislike what you do," he states the facts for once, but I go back to the sofa to sit down. "I wanted to ask you something...about the second theme we're about to start..." he shyly brings it up, asking for all my father's attention. "Yes, what is it?"

"Uhm, you talked about the book you keep in the supply room, and which contains a lot of different designs that were made but never developed by your older employees, so I was wondering if I could see them to maybe try to give them a chance to be reworked?" he proposes to do, expressing a lot of doubt about it. "Oh, yes sure. Y/n can bring you to the room," he turns towards me, gesturing me to stand up.

I do as told but feel happy about this. "Here are the keys, use this one," he keeps one of them in obvious sight to tell me which one to use, so I take it. "The book is kinda big, so help him," he orders me to do. "Okay," I already rush to the door, eager to be with Jungkook all alone. "The book is on a tall shelf, it's black with golden writing on it."

"All right. Thank you very much, Mister Kim," he bows to my father but follows me, telling me to go out first like a gentleman. I chuckle but walk out, and he does the same, before closing the door behind him. "You listen to me, the boss's daughter rules in here," I tease him about what he said a few days ago at his house, but he smiles at me and walks along my steps. "All right, Miss."

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