chapter 42 | Far away

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— Two days later —

Monday, February 03, 2020.

5 am.

I end the call I had with my dad, relieved to know he's about to be here. I put my phone in my pocket and leave my heavy luggage in the entry room. Y/n has been crying the whole night, and I cannot find a way to calm her down. This is horrible, and I feel like I might not leave, this seriously tears my heart apart to see her in this state. I don't know what to do.

I breathe out heavily and move back to the living room, where she is. She keeps her gaze down but constantly wipes her tears, using a new tissue for her nose again. "My baby..." I walk up to her and sit down next to her to put one arm around her and bring her closer. She hugs me and rests her head on my chest to cry heavily.

However, I receive a notification. I check it and see this is a message from a colleague. I read but don't answer, I give all my attention to her. I drop a kiss on her head, caressing her side but not saying anything since I don't know what could help.

"My baby..." I put my head on hers but hold my left hand up while the other one is soothing her. "Look, we won't ever be drifted apart," I mention our couple bracelets, trying to brighten up her mood. She doesn't say anything but keeps drowning in her grief.

I comb her hair in a soft manner, but the bell rings. "It's my dad, baby," I try to pull her away, and she goes aside, so I stand up and hurry to the front door of the house to open to my father.  "Hey," he smiles at me, his car still running. "Are we going now?"

"Yes, I'm calling y/n," I nod and step back to grab y/n's coat and move towards the door frame. I peek over it. "Baby, are you coming?" I softly make her understand it's time to go, and she puts her tissue down to come up to me. So I put her coat on her and press a kiss on her forehead.

"Everything is all right, we're still together. Don't cry," I grab her hand and take my coat and luggage to go out. We both leave the house and get to my father's car, my father who noticed she's crying. "You haven't forgotten anything, right?" he asks.

"No, don't worry. I checked my list several times," I put the luggage in the trunk and close the door to enter the vehicle with y/n and sit in the back. My father does it as well, and we all buckle our seat belt on.

Once it's done, I intertwine my fingers with hers and keep my eyes away from her to not let her state afflict me. None of us says something, the music of the radio is the only thing we can hear, with her sniffling, but as my eyes are focusing on the road with difficulty, her head rests on my arm as if she was asking for some more comfort, and my heart shatters into pieces even more.

30 minutes later...

"Your mom woke up when I left, but I told her to sleep because she was still feeling nauseous after the dinner we had," my father explains to me after I asked him how my mother is doing. "Oh, as long as she's not sick, this is fine," I stop in front of a few seats, right at the boarding gate I will have to pass by once the flight is ready to go.

I stop walking, and y/n wraps her arms around my waist, hiding her face in her hood, I hold her as well by putting one arm around her neck, and one around her body. We don't let go of each other, her cries do not end but only seem to worsen now that we only have five minutes left.

I bend my head forth and slightly pull on the rim of her hood to press my lips on her cheek, bring them to her ear to whisper into it, and pat her head, with my eyes closed. "Stop crying, baby. I promise I'll come back as soon as possible, we'll celebrate our birthday, our anniversary together, we'll see each other for Christmas and every holiday, I promise," I keep moving my hand to relieve her and calm her down as she's putting herself in a horrible state.

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