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Delilah's POV

The doorbell soon rang, Reilly and Scarlett raced to the door, Reilly was now 6 and Scarlett was 4, they squealed as g, nate and johnson englufed them in hugs. Then they came over and hugged myself and Sammy.

The kiddos soon went to bed as reilly had school in the morning and Scarlett had preschool. Meanwhile, we planned our tour.

"What about the kids man?" G asked, Sammy and I sat puzzled for a second.
Shit we have kids now, we can't just pack up and go.

"I'll stay, you guys go." I offered, at first they tried to convince me otherwise until i insisted.

"Alissa will always be over anyway, and you guys will be gone like what? 2 or 3 months? I was a single mum at one point remember?" They all nodded and started planning whilst i went up to bed.


Soon enough, I felt sammy crawl in the bed with me and trail kissed down my neck, snaking his arm around my waist. "Goodnight my love" i hummed in response and soon dozed off myself.

The next morning

Mornings had always been hectic in the Wilkinson household. I was cooking breakfast while our two kids ran around the house screaming like mad men.

"Come here lil man" sammy yells picking up reilly, turning him upside down and running to his room to get him ready, Scarlett followed along laughing.

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