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One week later

Delilah's POV

Our alarm rang for 4am, today Sammy was leaving for tour with Gilinsky, Johnson and Nate.

Sammy packed the last little things he needed and the kids woke up from our alarm.

"Where's daddy going?" Scarlett asked rubbing her eyes, i kneeled down so our eyes could meet and explain that daddy's going to be gone for a couple months for work, Reilly and Scarlett nods hugging there dad and going back to bed.

There was a knock on the door, i groggily walk down the stairs and open the door to see the three boys and Alissa, i hugged them all and Sammy ran down with his two bags.

He walked up to me giving me a passionate kiss, as we've never been apart for this long.

"I love you, until my dying breath." He wiped a tear from under my eye and said i loved him too. I could clearly see his eyes watering, but ignoring it and trying to look tough.

"I'll see you soon" i say as he walked out the door with the boys, me and Alissa wave and go back to bed.

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