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I was only a twelve year old boy when it happened. I had gotten into an argument with my parents because I had spent my allowance buying a new video game. My parents told me that, when I became an adult, I would need to save money for bills and groceries instead of things like video games. I always hated it when my parents told me this stuff...telling me about what I can and cannot do when I become an adult. But I told them that I never wanted to become an adult...that I would just stay a kid. But my parents told me that I didn't have a choice:

'Everyone grows-up eventually...whether we like it or not, we all become adults in the end.'

Of course, me being a kid, I didn't like hearing that and just got even more mad. My parents took away my video game and told me that I would now have to do chores to earn my allowance while I still lived with them. Not only that, but they told me that I would make a savings account and make sure that I didn't waste my money on things I would never need as an adult. I was so angry with them...I shouted at the top of my lungs:


I stormed upstairs and into my room. My parents didn't go after me, they knew that there was no point in trying to talk to me after all that. Maybe they thought I would listen to them once I calmed down, but I was filled with rage and didn't want to see them.

An hour or two later, it was dark outside. I knew my parents would be going to bed soon, since they had to go to their boring adult jobs in the morning. I heard a knock on my door, so I just pretended to be asleep. I heard the door open and someone walking towards my bed... I heard my dad's voice say quietly:

'I know you want to be a kid forever. I did too when I was your age. But we all need to learn about responsibility, because that's part of being an adult. You'll understand when you have kids, son. I love you.'

I didn't reply. I still pretended to be asleep as I heard my dad leave my room. I was still mad at both him and mom for taking away my brand new video game.

I went on my phone and decided to look at some posts on 8chan. I heard that I could find some interesting stuff on there, and decided to check it out. As I was looking through posts on 8chan, I came across one post that caught my attention: 'Blankie':

Blankie is a friend.
They like to have fun.
Whoever meets Blankie will be a child forever.
Blankie will make sure that you never lose your childish wonder.

Just lay your blanket on your bedroom floor...
Say 'Blankie' three times...
And Blankie will appear and play.

It was a weird post...but I was intrigued. Whether this was real or not, it still seemed quite interesting. I got up from my bed and laid my blanket on the floor...and said 'Blankie' three times'. I waited for a minute, expecting for at least something to happen. I decided to pick my blanket up...until something actually did happen.

My blanket began to rise up on its own. I did not know what was underneath that blanket, but it was very tall and completely covered from head to toe with my blanket. It looked at me, as though it was waiting for me to speak to it first.

'Hello... Are you Blankie?'

Blankie did not speak. Instead, it just nodded as its way of saying 'Yes'.

'Do you want to play my new video game?'

Blankie nodded again. We quietly tip-toed downstairs in order to not wake-up my parents. I knew my parents had hidden the game in one of the kitchen really wasn't that clever of a hiding spot.

Once I grabbed the suddenly dawned on me that my parents might hear the tv.

'Hey Blankie, won't my parents hear us playing the video game?'

Blankie, using his blanket-covered hand, pointed at the remote.

'Oh right. We can just turn off the volume. Good idea.'

I turned on the tv and prepared the video game. I made sure that the volume was off so my parents wouldn't be able to hear it. I took one controller and gave the other to Blankie...they actually seemed interested in playing the game with me.
As I got the game ready, I started to smell pizza coming from the kitchen. Blankie then appeared carrying a delicious, hot pizza. I did not know where they got the pizza, but I was really looking forward to hanging out with Blankie.

Blankie and I began to play the video game. The pizza was very delicious...though Blankie wouldn't eat any themself, though they didn't seem to mind and allowed me to eat it myself. I was having so much fun with Blankie and that was all that mattered. I wish I could just have fun like this everyday.

Suddenly, I began to feel sleepy. I looked at the clock and saw that we had been playing for at least three hours, and all of the pizza had been eaten. Being full from pizza just made me even more tired. I saved the game and turned off the tv... Blankie could tell that I was sleepy and wrapped their blanket arms around me. I felt so warm and comfortable...Blankie truly was a great friend.

'I love you, Blankie. You really understand kids like me.'

Before I knew it, I had fallen into a deep sleep...not caring about what happens tomorrow.

The next morning, I woke-up in my bed. I didn't know if last night was a dream or not, but at least I had fun with Blankie. But I noticed something strange about my blanket: It felt a bit moist for some reason. I soon realized why my blanket felt moist: It was covered in blood!

I jumped out of bed, confused and afraid. I soon noticed a trail of blood leading out my door. It was not a trail of bloody was as if someone had dragged my blood-soaked blanket across the floor. I opened the door and saw that the trail came from my parents bedroom. I felt a wave of terror and dread as I followed the trail. At first, I hesitated to open the door to my parents room...but I mustered up the courage to do so.

When I opened the door, I saw something so horrible: My parents were in their bed...dead. Their bodies had been torn apart and there was blood everywhere. I felt my legs give out as I collapsed onto the floor. This horrible, horrible site had made my strength disappear as I tried to make sense of things.

Why? Why were my parents killed? I never wanted them dead! I knew that I was angry with them last night...but they didn't deserve this! And why was my blanket covered in their blood?!?! Did Blankie do this?!?! Did Blankie kill my parents because they wanted me to grow-up?!?!

Or did I kill them?

No...I couldn't have...

I had no real reason to kill them!!



The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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