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Each morning, Lawless would be woken up by the soft sounds of Licht at practice. The notes would trickle out from underneath the closed door of Licht's room, and Lawless would smile as his sweet sounding alarm filled the house.

Each morning, Lawless would make them both breakfast, dragging Licht to the table to eat. He would hum a tune he made up as he watched his Eve sip on warm coffee, eating his food either in silence, or whilst rambling about the piece he was currently practising.

Each morning, they followed their routine of housework and piano practice, wavering from the usual only whilst travelling.

This morning, Lawless was woken up by a burning smell slowly suffocating him. He jumped upright from his sleep, thoughts of disaster burning his mind. He rushed out to the living room and with a panicked glance towards the kitchen, he realised it was indeed a disaster.

Licht was cooking.

Lawless pointed at him accusingly, "What on EARTH are you doing?!" Licht was holding a flaming pan that once contained eggs that he then calmly placed into the sink and shrugged. Lawless was in disbelief at his nonchalant attitude towards the fire in the sink, "Don't cook! Who told you to cook? Why do you think I'm the one who cooks in this house!? You can't cook!" He rushed over to the sink, and placed the pan lid over the flame, "And NEVER pour water over an oil fire you idiot! Were you raised in a cave?"

"Don't tell me what to do, if I want to put water on an oil fire, I'm going to put water on an oil fire. Who are you to tell me otherwise? If you really knew everything like you say you do then you'd realise that you resemble the burnt eggs with your stupid bi-coloured hair!"

Lawless had to use all of his strength to restrain himself from giving Licht a swift palm to the back of the head, for he knew it would result in a full blown fight, "Go play your stupid little piano." To Hyde's surprise, Licht didn't head directly back to his bedroom like he usually would. Instead, he walked over to the living room, grabbing a book from the coffee table as he sat down on the couch. Hyde watched every movement, "Aren't you going to practice your new piece? Your performance is at the end of the week."

Licht momentarily closed his book, "Why don't you mind your own business? I can practice whenever I want. I know when my performance is." Lawless threw him a confused look, but decided not to pry any further. Besides, he had work in an hour. He left to shower and get ready for work, Licht's odd behaviour lingering on his mind.

After a shift at his work, he returned home exhausted. He stood outside the front door and wished for the familiarity of music to comfort him as he walked in, but the house remained silent. He almost felt angry. The house was never silent. He was constantly listening to either music being played, a movie playing on the TV, or the ramblings of Licht.

He changed out of his work clothes into a more comfortable outfit, and found Licht in his room eating cereal, earphones in his ears as he watched a video on his phone. Lawless took the nearly empty bowl of cereal from the bed, "Watch a movie with me," he said defeated. Licht gave a single nod, and walked over to the kitchen to place a bag of popcorn in the microwave - this was one of the few things he was allowed to do in the kitchen.

Lawless hummed himself a little tune as he scrolled through Netflix, searching for a movie they would both enjoy. He enjoyed thrillers and mysteries, but Licht preferred action movies and "once upon a time" type movies, (he claimed the only good movies were the ones where the angels win). This caused for many previous quarrels over what movie to watch, but the one thing they were able to agree on was that they hated romance movies.

While scrolling through, he came across a psychological horror that he had been wanting to see for ages. He was unable to see it when it came out in cinema, but it was now finally on Netflix, and his hands itched to press play. Licht sat on the couch beside Lawless and looked up at the screen as he placed the popcorn on the coffee table, "What's that?"

Hyde stopped humming and sighed, "It's that movie I was talking about last year. It doesn't have much action, it's more of a mind-game type of film".

Licht grabbed a handful of popcorn and shrugged, "Let's watch it." Hyde paused for a moment to process Licht's compliance, and Licht chased his thoughts away by gesturing to start the movie. Lawless he decided to take advantage of this, and enjoy the movie. It was hard to find a thriller where the good people win, so many arguments were held when selecting movies. This was... nice.

The movie played throughout the sunset, and the room was dark as the climax of the movie played out. Licht had taken a relaxed position, lying against Lawless who had his arm over the dark haired boy. A pretty obvious jump-scare came up on screen and he could have sworn that he felt Licht finch beneath him, but when he looked down, Licht had the same, unamused expression as always.

The movie ended, and the boys went their separate ways; Licht headed for his room, and Lawless to the kitchen to wash the popcorn bowl. After he had cleaned up, Hyde went to his own room and got ready for bed. He dreamed of music filling the house once more.

This story was requested by MakiHarukawa3

Always commenting on my stories and leaving nice things, I appreciate you a lot, Maki!! Hope you'll enjoy this story!!

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