Part 8

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"I'd rather die tomorrow than live 100 years without knowing you"

- Pocahontas

(Harry's POV)

I sat on the soft bed and sighed. 'I'm going to die here, but at least the bed is soft' I thought. I got knocked out of thought m my stomach grumbling. I rubbed it as I felt eyes on me. I heard a sigh.

" Stay right here and stay in the room until we call someone up to come escort you to dinner" I heard Lucius said. ' I guess I made him feel bad, but at least I wont starve" I thought.

"Really! Thank you so much" I replied well squealed.

Lucius smiled at me softly and hopped himself to the door with Snape following him.

I sat at Bellatrix's stand and opened one of the drawers. I saw a white feather duster with a few black feathers scattered. All of a  sudden, two icy, cold blue eyes popped out with, a sharp nose, and two hands. (The feather part being her feat and her eyes being on the top of the handle farthest away from the feathers)

" You found me! I've been stuck in there for days. " It said with boredom lacing in it's voice. Bella appeared on the mirror.

"Sorry, Crissy. I forgot I closed you in there" The reflection stated, not having an ounce regret nor remorse in her voice. 'Crissy' or whatever it's name was turned to me.

"I apologize for my impoliteness. I am Nacrissa Malfoy. Nice to meet you" It- Nacrissa  announced like she has said a million times before as she held out her tiny and delicate hand.

" I am Harry Potter. Nice to meet you also" I uttered back. Her surname sounded familiar. Maybe it will pop up in my mind later. Snape opened the door. He smiled, making it look very forced like he was talking to an unfamiliar family member he has never met before.

"Malfoy requests you down stairs for dinner" He spatted out like it was poison. Acid even. I widened my eyes. Lucius and Nacrissa were married. I made a face of disgust.' A feather duster and a cane? How does that work?' I thought. 

( Neville's POV)

I walked to the Whomping Willow Tree. The alphas saw this when we were camping. Dumbledore made us fight our way through. Fred, George ,and few other alphas were knocked unconscious and hurt. Dumbledore told us to shake it off because ' its for the greater good'. I'm sure for him its another fair wrestling match. 

I walked out the dark side to find a side with rainbows and butterflies and the way home. I widened my eyes and forgot about making a decision because Harry was in danger. I ran towards out village. People widened their eyes to see me. Probably thought I was dead.

" There's a monster! In the castle. It had Harry in the dungeon!" I gasped. People started mumbling and holding their kids closer to them. I ran to Harry's house to find.. no one. The house was being rebuilt? I ran to Hermione's house. She was sitting on the porch with a book in her hand.

" Where are the Potter's?" I asked. I had to tell them about their son and how much danger he is in. Hermione looked up from her book with tears in her eyes and muttered:

"They're dead. And it's all Dumbledore's doing"


Hey guys, sorry for being months and months late. I'm trying but its hard to come up with ideas and turning people into object. What objects should Draco be? Or any other characters? Deatheaters and baby death eaters only! Comment and Vote

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2020 ⏰

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