Chapter 29

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"You two, in my office, now!" Snape called and stormed out of the bathroom. I pulled Draco to his feet, feeling a bit awkward.
"Thanks." He muttered as we strode to Snape's office. He had already pulled two chairs for us and was sat in his when we arrived.
"Sit down!" He ordered, looking furious. Exchanging a look, Draco and I did so quietly. Snape turned to Draco first.
"What happened?!" He snapped.
"It was my fault, Professor." I told Snape, "I- erm- lead Harry to Draco because I knew he wanted to speak to him."
"Harry thinks I hexed Katie." Draco interrupted, "we fought a little and he shot a spell at me I've never even heard of before! I'm sorry for the damage we caused to the bathroom." Snape simply sighed and glanced towards me.
"Do you think he hexed Miss Bell?"
"I don't know." I sighed. Snape glared at Draco once more, who lowered his head.
"If you're both okay, you may go." He told us and we both left. It was awkward, wandering down the halls. Neither of us knew what to say or where to look or where to go.
"I'm sorry." Draco muttered before going to his common room. I took a deep breath and did the same.

"Where have you been?!" Beth exclaimed as I wandered into the common room. I looked down to see my clothes were soaking and dusty. Roger and Johnathan walked in, taken aback a bit.
"I'm going to get changed." I told them, Beth following me inside of our dorm.
"You didn't answer my question." She folded her arms, glaring at me.
"I was just out." I giggled, nervously. With this, Eilish walked in, she'd been visiting Jordan in the Slytherin common room.
"You are, too!" She exclaimed, confusing Beth and I, "Draco walked into the Slytherin common room as I was about to leave. He was soaking and filthy, just like you!" Beth looked at me once more, her eyebrows raised and her arms still folded.
"Fine." I sighed, the two jumping on their beds, eager to know what happened, "Draco and Harry had a fight in the boys' bathroom, I tried to stop them but it only stopped when Draco got injured. One of the taps was running causing it to flood the bathroom." We decided to leave the conversation there and talk about school in general.

The next day, I was studying in the library when, out of nowhwere, my face was slammed into the table infront of me. Slowly lifting my head, I turned to see Preya stood, smirking, behind me. I had had enough! I pulled myself to my feet, staring her in the eyes.
"Leave me alone!" I snapped, "Draco and I are together! You need to get that in your head, he is not interested in you!" With this, Preya shoved me into the table, trying to pull out her wand, myself doing the same. Now we were face to face, our wands pointed towards one another. Is this what all those years of Preya terrorizing Draco and I has lead up to? Preya's arm slowly raised, her lips parting only I got her first.
"Stupify!" I yelled, sending her flying across the library floor. She lay in shock for a few seconds and those in the library stood up in their seats to watch. I noticed Jess and some of her friends in her year were sat on a nearby table. She nodded to me and I think she told one of her friends to get a teacher for she whispered in one of her friends' ears and off they went. Michael and both Bens also stood on the other side, standing up as Preya fell. Michael nodded to me as Big Big clapped. Finally, Preya had climbed to her feet only I knocked her down once more. Sensing her anger brewing and brewing, I knew I couldn't keep this up too long. When she got to her feet once more she was quicker this time.
"Expelliarmus!" She casted, my wand flying out of my hand. I didn't see where it had gone, searching high and low, I didn't see her put her wand back in her pocket and run over to me. Jess shouted something so I turned to see Preya grab onto my hair, making me try to grab onto hers only she held me in a way I couldn't reach. Swinging me around, I thought my hair was going to be ripped out! She smacked me against tables and book stands. I couldn't see much, I could just feel the world flying around me. However, I then locked eyes on Preya's wand sticking out of her pocket. I smirked and grabbed for it, she never even noticed. I pointed it to her chest as she threw me into another book shelf, books flying around me.
"Stupify!" I yelled, sending Preya flying into a book stand opposite, causing books to fly around everywhere, one landing on her head. I heard claps and cheers as I raced around the library, desperate to find my wand. I collapsed to where I had stood, feeling all around me. Only I didn't find it in time as I was thrown backwards. Preya had grabbed her wand as I had stupidly dropped it on the floor as I searched for mine. She held it to my face as I glared at the wand. She raised her arm once more, taking a deep breath as she was about to speak, when I felt a book by my side. I quickly reached for it, throwing it to her face. As she stumbled backwards, I dived to the table once more, still looking for my wand. Once again, she pulled me backwards holding her wand to me, once more. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Michael and the two Bens looking for my wand.
"Expelliarmus!" I heard someone shout, I looked to see Jess holding her wand out to Preya, who now looked around for her wand. I smiled and turned to the boys, who still hadn't found my wand. Turning, once more as I heard a small squeak. Preya was towering over Jess, holding her by the scuff of her robes. I grabbed a book, once more and smacked Preya over the back of her head with it. She let go of Jess, who ran off a little, but faced me once more. Slowly, she strode towards me, smirking evilly. I backed away slowly, neither of us had our wands. To her surprise, I stopped, causing her to walk into me slightly. As this stunned her a little, I grabbed onto her hair kicking her leg. She collapsed to the floor, so I threw her head down, too. Whilst she lay there I turned to the boys once more, still no wand, however whilst Preya was on the floor she found hers.
"Stupify!" She shouted causing me to fly through the air, landing next to the boys. Michael helped me to my feet, only for Preya to raise me into the air. She smirked again before throwing me into a table. As I landed, the table had broken. I lay amongst the pieces of wood as she laughed. I felt around behind my back and managed to grab onto a stick of wood, which once held the table up. I hid this behind my back as she dragged me to my feet. As I stood, I swung my arm, hitting her with the table leg. She collapsed to the floor as I attempted to catch my breath. Only, I didn't see Preya grabbing another table leg. I was hit across the face, leaving bruising and blood dripping from my eyebrow. I couldn't open my eye, I had been hit that hard and I knew I'd have a black eye. As I clutched my eye, Preya threw the leg out of my hand and began wacking my stomach with her own.
"Enough!" I heard someone shout. I looked up, past the tears in my eyes, to see Snape and Drew stood, pointing their wands to Preya who simply giggled.
"If either of you casts a spell on me, I'll hit her more." I looked at all of them, tears now streaming down my face, burning the wound on my eye. Only, I managed to look at Michael who smiled, holding my wand. I knew I couldn't mess this up! Taking a deep breath, I stuck out my hand and nodded to Michael. He threw the wand, thankfully landing in my hand. Both Snape and Drew also saw as both of them nodded. I held my wand to her stomach and readied myself, once more.
"Patrificus totalus!" I shouted, releasing myself as Preya collapsed to the floor. Snape picked her up, snarling at her.
"You're a disgrace to Slytherin!" He shouted, although I didn't know if she would be able to hear him or not, "Mr McIntyre, take Miss Swan to the hospital, make sure you inform Madam Pomfrey of the situation." With this, Snape strode, out taking Preya with him and Drew lifted me up, taking me to the hospital.
"What happened?!" I heard someone yell as we wandered down the stairs. Millie, Roger and Olly came running over after looking at my eye.
"Preya." Drew sighed, all three (especially Millie) enraged.
"I swear when I see her, I am going to murder her!" Millie yelled, Roger attempting to calm her down.
"It's alright," Drew told them, "Snape took her away so hopefully, he'll expel her. Inform Eilish and Beth that Maiya won't be in bed tonight and try and let Draco know, please."

I was put straight into a bed in the empty hospital. Drew stayed by my side and when he didn't, someone else did. I waited for the rest of the day for Draco only he never showed up. I rememberMichael saying "goodnight" and leaving before falling asleep. I had a dream I was fighting Voldemort, Draco by my side, but then Lucius grabbed onto Draco. He pulled him to the Death Eaters where Draco had to murder me and did so. I shot up in bed, the room jet black. Assuming no one was there, I turned to look outside when I saw a silhouette of someone in the chair beside my bed. I glared to the person, trying to see who it was. Pulling back the curtains above my bed, I watched the moonlight reflect off of the person's face. I smiled as I watch Draco's face become clear.
"Draco." I whispered, causing him to stir a little. I whispered again and again and finally his eyes opened.
"Are you okay?" He asked when he saw it was me, "are you hurting." He then saw my eye clearly, "it's worse than they said! I swear when I see her I will..." only he stopped when I placed my hand on his. He climbed into my bed, sitting beside me as I rested my head on his shoulder in the moonlight. We talked for most of the night. It felt like we were back in year three, the couple with no worries who simply loved each others' companies. Before things became so hard.
"Will you still be here tomorrow?" Draco randomly asked.
"I think so. Why?"
"Just asking." He muttered, staring at the empty bed in front of him, making me more curious.

When I woke up the next morning, Draco had gone and I heard someone walk into my room. I sat up, expecting Madam Pomfrey, only it was Snape.
"Good morning, Miss Swan." He nodded, standing over my bed, "how are you feeling?"
"A little better." I smiled, "what happened with Preya?"
"Miss Conndunn has been expelled from Hogwarts." Snape smirked to which I straightened up, shocked.
"Expelled?!" I exclaimed, Snape nodding.
"As I have told you before, I do not condone bullying. She was a disgrace to Slytherin and I wished I had expelled her before now!" I smiled a little only I did feel a little bad. She would, after all, lose her wand. Madam Pomfrey then strode in, minutes later.
"Hello, dear." She smiled, "you can leave this morning, your eye will heal, if you just give it time. It isn't as swollen, just bruised now." I grinned to Snape who didn't look as happy and walked out.

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