Chapter 19

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"Miss Swan," Snape called as I walked to his desk, "care to tell me why you went there? Miss Carroll told me she brought you to the duel, is this true?"
"Yes, sir." I answered, "Cedric and I were going into the common room. As I went in, Eilish pulled me out with Roger. We tried to stop them but they wouldn't so we all watched to make sure they didn't hurt each other."
"That seems to be the same story for all of them. The three boys will recieve detention, look after them please." Snape told me.
"Thank you, sir." I sighed. Heading out, I opened the door and was about to leave.
"Miss Swan," Snape called before I could leave, "I'm not disappointed in you." I beamed at Snape before turning bumping into, who other, than Drew.
"Oops, sorry." He smiled and scooting by me. I left the two in there to see Draco waiting for me.
"Well?" He asked, taking my hand into his.
"Jack, Johnathan and Ben are getting detention, the rest of us are fine."
We walked down the hall, just talking, on our way to our common rooms.
"I'm glad you've met Drew, he's a nice guy." Draco smiled, "he's one of Slytherin's chasers." I knew I'd seen him before, in quidditch! We walked some more until we came to our common rooms.

As I walked in, Johnathan was sat on the couch, his head in his hands.
"You okay?" I asked, sternly, trying not to show too much sympathy. Lifting his head up, he sighed and began to speak.
"I just..." he stuttered, trying to find the right words to say, I walked over and sat beside him, "I didn't want to hurt either of them and I certainly didn't want this to happen. I love Jack..."
"Then why did you..." I began to say but Jonathan cut me off and looked me in my eyes.
"But I'm not in love with him. He's great! He's smart, witty, funny and he is good looking. I thought I was attracted to him, but it was just lust. I met Ben and I've never met anyone like him! When I see him I get butterflies and when we touch it feels like electricity. I never felt that with Jack. I'm sorry you got dragged into this and I'm sorry I hurt Jack, but I couldn't hide my feelings any longer."
With this, I stood up and pulled Johnathan to his feet, too.
"Talk to them." I smiled and walked to my dorm. I heard someone leave the common room and smiled, assuming it was Johnathan.
"All sorted?" Eilish asked as I sat on my bed.
"Hopefully." I sighed, having had enough drama for one day. I lay down, releasing a massive sigh. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door, Cedric, panting.
"What is it?" I asked, worried something had happened.
"It-it-" he stuttered, trying to catch his breath "Barty Crouch, he's been murdered!" My eyes widened with fear and dread and I ran to the Slytherin common room. I knocked on the door, to which Drew opened it.
"Maiya," he smiled, "how can I help you?"
"Is Draco in here?" I asked, quickly, knowing something wasn't right.
"Yeah, he is," Drew told me, but I could tell he sensed something was wrong, "is everything alright?"
"Maiya," Draco called, coming from his dorm, "are you okay?"
"Barry Crouch is dead." I told the two, shaking with fear, "he was found on school grounds, someone has killed him!"
"What?!" Draco blurted out, holding onto my hands.
"Something isn't right," Drew sighed, "first someone put Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire and now this?" With this, the three of us rushed out of the Slytherin common room and to the library. I looked up the Tri Wizard Tournament as well as Barty Crouch (whom I found nothing on) but it wasn't useful at all! On our way back we saw Harry walking through the hall, we hid behind a corner and listened. He passed Snape's cupboard when the door swings open. I didn't see what was inside but Harry looked startled. Igor came barging out looking angry and, by the looks of things, hiding something on his arm which I'm presuming was his death mark. A mark all death eaters have.
"Potter!" Snape called, to which we shot behind the corner once more, "what's your hurry? Congratulations, your performance in the Black Lake was inspiring. Gillyweed, am I correct?"
"Yes, sir." Harry muttered, seeming confused.
"Ingenious." Snape said, strolling into his cupboard, Harry following him, "a rather rare herb, gillyweed. Not something found in your everyday garden. Nor is this." We couldn't see what it was but became highly intrigued and began to listen closer.
"Know what it is?" Snape asked.
"Bubble juice, sir?" Harry questioned, obviously not caring.
"Veritaserum." Snape corrected. I'd never heard of it but Drew and Draco raised their eyebrows, clearly knowing, "three spills of this and You-Know-Who himself would spill his darkest secrets. The use of it on a student is regrettably forbidden, however, should you ever steal from my personal stores again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice."
"I haven't stolen anything." Harry argued but Snape cut him off.
"Don't lie to me." Snape went on and finished with "you and your little friends are brewing poly juice potion and believe me, I'm going to find out why!" With this, Snape slammed his door, Harry storming off.
"Poly juice potion?!" I exclaimed, "this is all connected, we need to find out who it is!"

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