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When Jimin had finished work, he went home to his apartment. He slipped out of his clothes and turned on the burning hot water for his bathtub. Without caring about a single thing, he plopped down in the water and closed his eyes. He would normally do that after work or dance lessons, it relaxed his body.

The clock was about 09:30 PM when he got out of the bath. He went in his room, put on his favorite pink silk  pajamas with white lace and a pair of fuzzy white slippers. He walked over to his phone, that he hadn't looked at for about three hours. He was shocked from all the notifications.

(Jimins notifications)
*Hoseok| 6 missed calls
*Mr. Kim Namjoon| 10 missed calls
*Colleague Jin| 4 missed calls

"Fuck" Jimin whispered to himself as he pressed on Namjoons number first. It took around theee seconds for an answer.

"God Jimin! I'm so fucking worried for you. Is he at yours? I'll send guards right away!"

"Im sorry, But what are you talking about? I dont see why i should need any guards?" Jimin asked in confusion.

"Fuck..You don't know? Jungkook broke free from his cell two hours ago! We are trying to find him but he hadn't shown any signs of where he was going to be, I figured he find his way to your house since...His obsession." Jimin could hear the worry in namjoons voice.

"He broke free??."
Jimin said even more worried. Of course Jungkook would show up at his apartment anytime soon. But that was not was he was worried about.

"I'm sorry Jimin. I really am. I can't believe it either, but you need to be ready. I'm scared of what he might do to you."

"Oh..I'm going to be okay. He promised me that he would be good to people today...He keeps his promises...I'll be awake all night. If he comes or not."

"We will-"

"Please don't bring any guards. I trust him with my life. I swear I'll bring him back tomorrow as fast as I can." Jimin said, hoping that Namjoon would understand him.

Namjoon sighed.
"Okay but please give me a message if he gets there. I trust you Jimin. Don't let him out of your sight."

And with that, the call ended. Jimin was panicking, impatiently waiting for jungkook to come. Jungkook had always told him that he would break free and spend the rest of his life with Jimin, he even once asked Jimin to marry him - but never in his life had he thought that whatever Jungkook had planned would work. Jimin sat on his kitchen floor, waiting for a little knock on his front door.  He had called Jin and Hosoek and talked to them about the situation and about him and Namjoons call. They both had asked to stay over, but Jimin had declined nicely, telling them that Jungkook might be very possessive.

Suddenly his phone began ringing.
Mr. Kim Namjoon

"Hello Namjoon."

"Jimin! Has he showed up?"

"No..not yet I think he might not-"
And with that a loud knock was heard on his front door.

"I-I think...I think he's here n-now...Ill text you.." Jimin stuttered and hung up before letting Namjoon answer. He brushed down his clothes, now only realizing that he still was in his pink lace pajamas - but he was too scared to leave Jungkook out in front of his door for too long. Some people will definitely recognize him.

With large silent steps he reached the door and took a large breath before opening. He opened the door slowly, only to see Jungkook standing all wet with 10 large red roses. Jungkook smiled widely as he saw Jimin standing in front of him. The taller took his time to look at his outfit and was really impressed by what the smaller was wearing. "Jungkook. What the actual fuck are you doing? Do you know how scary you are to some people?" Jimin whisper yelled as he took a step further back to let Jungkook in. Jungkook stepped in with a light chuckle. Jimin closer the door and locked it before turning around, only to get picked up and spinned around by Jungkook. Jimin wrapped - as an instinct - his arms around jungkooks neck to provide him from falling.

"I'm serious Jungkook! You could've gotten killed out there, or transferred to another mental institution. People are scared of you Jungkook, sadly." Jimin said as Jungkook put him back down. The taller leaned closer to jimins face, and held him in place by his hips. "You're the only light in my life. I couldn't care less about people being scared of me.". The smaller sighed but tugged Jungkook in for a hug. "You're stupid Jungkook. So damn stupid." Jimin said as a light giggle left his mouth while rubbing his head into jungkooks neck. "Did you..Wait for me?" Jungkook asked, with a hopeful smile. "Yes. Now tell me, how did you manage to escape?"

Time went on by talking, and drinking a lot of tea. Jimin didn't want to sleep, he really couldn't trust Jungkook that much even though he knew that Jungkook would never do anything to break his promises. Jimin started to feel very tired. "Are you sleepy, sugar doll?" Jungkook asked as a yawn escaped jimins mouth. Jimin hummed and rubbed his eyes. Before he knew of it, Jungkook had picked him up in bridal style and walked over to jimins bedroom. The clock was nearly four in the morning, so they both had every rights to go to bed..Right?

As Jungkook placed Jimin lightly on the bed, Jimin tugged jungkooks hoodie sleeve (which Jimin had given him since he was drenched from the rain). "You will lay right next to me, all night long and you will promise me, on my life that you will do that" Jimin said as Jungkook placed himself right next to him. Jungkook started soothing jimins hair, gently. "I promise you with your life that I will stay right here until we both wake up. Can I kiss you goodnight baby? And can I...Touch you while we sleep?" Jungkook calmly said as he pulled Jimin closer by his waist. The smaller pressed his lips on the others, giving him a sweet kiss, no tongue this time. Jimin pulled away first an nuzzled his head into jungkooks chest. "Yes, you can cuddle me while we sleep. Goodnight jungkook" the smaller said sleepily, as Jungkook wrapped his arms around jimins petite waist, securing him from everything. "Goodnight baby. I'll protect you from anything, I hope you know that sugar doll." The taller said as he placed a kiss on top of jimins waist. Both fell asleep in the others arms.

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