take my pain

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Jungkook was crying and screaming only hoping for his only light in the world would come to see him. It's been five days since Jimin and Jungkook had sex, and ever since, Jimin had never visited Jungkook. The therapist knew that he couldn't have feelings for his patient - and having sex definitely crossed the line...But he also knew that Jungkook needed him more then anything, which broke the smaller down every day.

Thursday 20th of November.

"Jimin!!" a loud scream was heard from the maniac living in cell number 66, when he saw his beautiful sugar doll walk past his tiny window. Jungkook had been standing there for 96 hours. No sleep, no food, only waiting for the pretty face. Jungkook hopes that Jimin would hear him and turn around, which he never did, but this time Jimin stopped up before taking a deep breath. Jungkook stood with glittering eyes filled with hope as he saw the blond therapist walk nearer him.

As Jimin stood in front of Jungkooks cell door, he placed his fingers in the window as he looked into the tallers eyes. Jungkook placed his hands on top of the other side of the window, hoping for a single spark, which he got from meeting Jimin beautiful dark eyes. "Its not your turn yet, be patient." Jimin said and left quickly after. The taller still stood with his hands on the glass looking plastic, not moving an inc after Jimin left.

"It was so nice seeing you again Jiminie...Thank you for taking them away." Taehyung whispered as he looked at Jimin with puppy eyes. The older caressed the mint-green haired psycho'a face in a comforting manner. He really liked Taehyung, he was definitely one of Jimins favorite patients - even though Taehyung saw his dead brother multiple times while taking with him.

The day had come close to an end, now only having one patient left - and that patient was no other then Jeon jungkook, the one Jimin had avoided for days. Jimin checked himself out in the mirror, putting on som baby pink lip tint, and fixing his blond locks before going down to the basement.

A loud click was heard every time Jimin took a step on the ice blue floor tiles. He couldn't remember the last time it had been that quiet, and he couldn't help but suddenly feel scared of what might had happened. As he walked nearer Jungkooks cell, he heard loud grunts, groans and something close to growls from inside cell number 66. The blond felt shivers run down his spine, now starting to feel scared if Jungkook was mad at him. Jungkook had never been mad at him, but Jimin had never ignored Jungkook either - so anything could happen.

Two soft knocks was all Jimin did. The door opened and revealed a heavy breathing, shirtless Jungkook with small cuts all over his hands. His black hair was messy, and some of his locks were drenched in sweat. He was only wearing his black sweatpants - that Namjoon had given all the inmates due to the cold weather. With out any words, Jungkook stepped aside to let jimin walk in. The smaller held his notes tight into his chest, and looked down while walking in - afraid of what would happen if he looked up.

But what Jungkook did was the total opposite. The taller lifted Jimin up, embracing him in a tight hug not caring if he, himself was drenched in sweat. The blond was surprised but wrapped his arms around Jungkooks sweaty neck, happy from hearing Jungkooks heavy breaths. "What happened baby? Where were you? i've been wanting you for five days, sugar doll. That's a lot of days without my happiness, you know that?" Jungkook whispered sweetly into jimins ear. A small smile printed on Jimins face after hearing jungkooks words. Jimin had missed jungkooks voice, his touch. Over all just Jungkook in general - even though he knew it was completely wrong and that he shouldn't feel anything like this at all with his patient.

"Sorry Jungkook, i've been so busy" Jimin lied and wiggled himself out of Jungkooks embrace. Jungkook was smiling down at him, eyeing everything the smaller did. Just from looking at Jimin, jungkook went absolutely crazy inside. Before Jimin could do anything, Jungkook took his hand and dragged him down into the bed. He threw Jimin softly on it first before he scooted up behind him. The blond looked confused down at Jungkook but that expression quickly changed from the sight of Jungkook falling asleep next to him. He placed an protective arm around jimins hips, right above his ass - scared that Jimin would leave him through out the night.

"Eww jungkook! You'er all sweaty." Jimin squeaked but really didn't mind. Jungkook didn't open his eyes  while he started massaging and squeezing jimins hips in a comforting way earning a little whimper from the smaller. "I haven't been wanting to sleep without you for a lot of time now, sugar doll. Will you stay with me?" Jungkook asked, and Jimin signed before leaning further down on the mattress to get more comfortable. "i'm sorry for taking so long. I will stay don't worry." Jimin whispered while tugging jungkooks black locks behind his ear.

"I love you." Jungkook whispered with his hoarse voice, probably from screaming jimins name that much.

"I know"

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