l o v e m a k i n g

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Jimin had rushed his schedule for the day, even though he had had to spend much more time with all his patients, since the Jungkook accident yesterday. He had a weird feeling inside him, that made him want to be near Jungkook all the time. He knew that it was wrong, he knew that he needs to stop being flirty with Jungkook. But he just can't - not when his feelings are this strong.

As Jimin finally had time for his last patient, witch was no other then Jeon Jungkook - a smile plastered on his face. He grabbed his notebook and applied a light pink lip gloss before running down the stairs to the basement of the building. Before he knocked on jungkooks door a pair of warm hands was placed on his shoulders. He turned around confused to see his boss. "I-oh Namjoon... Hey, do you need anything?" Jimin asked while keeping his notebook close to his chest. Namjoon smiled at the smaller "You'er my only worked left for today, apparently all people left work at 8PM...I was thinking about closing down for tonight. Go home and get some rest, Jeon is probably sleeping anyway." Jimin frowned at the words. He had looked forward seeing Jungkook all day long and now he just couldn't?

Jimin gulped while thinking of a quick lie. "Umh..No I can't leave." He blurted out and Namjoon looked at him with raised eyebrows. "And why is that Jimin?" The older asked while crossing his arms in front of his chest. Jimin scratches the back of his neck "b-because..uh...Jungkook can't- you know how Jungkook is...Hes going to go crazy tomorrow morning if he doesn't see me again today..." Jimin looked up at his boss who was actually considering his words. To jimins surprise, Namjoon nodded.

"Fine, but you'll have to close off the building...Be careful when going back up, this time is where the patients down here go absolute crazy." The taller said as he looked into jimins eyes. Jimin nodded and flashed a sweet friendly smile before namjoon walked away. Namjoon trusted Jimin to the fullest.

Three knocks on the door before Jimin heard a sleepy deep raspy voice telling him two words: "come in...". Jimin opened the door slowly, seeing how jungkooks body flew up as soon as he saw him. Jimins heart immediately began beating faster as Jungkook walked his way over to him. The taller placed both hands on jimins hips and pulled him closer so their chests were touching. "Ahg...I've missed you sugar doll, so so so much" Jungkook said as he leaned his head down and planted butterfly kisses all over jimins neck.

Jimin ached his back from jungkooks hands that we're now roaming all over his body, one continuously squeezing his ass harshly.
"J-Jungkook...dont- Ahh..." Jimin moaned as Jungkook began planting kisses on jimins sweet spot, behind his ear. Jungkook teasingly nibbled all around jimins ear, making the other bite his lip to hide his moans. The taller pulled a away. "Your so fucking gorgeous" Jungkook said as he held Jimin by his waist firmly. Jimins cheeks turned pink before he roughly placed both hands around the tallers neck, smashing their lips together making them puzzle like pieces. Jungkook forced his tongue into jimins mouth, making him flinch slightly from the strength of the other.

Suddenly Jungkook placed both his hands under jimins thick thighs, swooping him up from the floor. The smaller wrapped his legs around jungkooks waist, lifting himself up the slightest bit as he held onto the youngers black locks tightly. Jungkook worked down on jimins neck again, now leaving open mouthed kisses everywhere, as well as biting gently making sure not to hurt the other. Jimin had thrown his note book somewhere on the floor, not really caring about his job at that moment. Jimin couldn't help himself but to grind upwards in jungkooks hold as he received the amount of  attention. "Ngh...J-jungkook.." Jimin whimpered making the younger smirk widely against his skin.

Jungkook harshly threw Jimin down on his small "prison" bed, not caring if he was about to brake it. Jimin tugged him down so he fell right on top while placing his lips into the others again. Before Jimin knew it - his shoes, pants and shirt were off, now only laying in boxers under a shirtless Jungkook. The younger was bigger then Jimin, his muscles were toned so much that they looked like they were drawn on. Jimin didn't hold back by touching jungkooks abs and shoulder muscles, feeling very satisfied about the man he was about to do something with. Jungkook threw off his pants, making Jimin drool of his size. Jungkook was probably four times bigger then Jimin, and the thoughts of jungkook inside of him hade him not only very hard and horny, but scared as well.

Jungkook planted kisses all over jimins body, as the smaller held onto his hair - moaning jungkooks name many times. Jungkooks head was foggy, he felt like his world was going to collapse from his luck of fucking park Jimin. The way Jimin would Whimper and moan only when jungkook touched him, made him go crazy. He tugged down teasingly on jimins underwear before he slid them down Jimins clean shaved legs. Jungkooks cock twitched a few times of seeing Jimin naked with red cheeks and messy hair. Jungkook groaned from the sight as he hovered over the older. He placed two fingers on jimins lips. "Suck." He ordered and the smaller opened his plump lips immediately, sucking all his saliva out on jungkooks two fingers. He bobbed down his head a few times as he looked deeply into jungkooks eyes, with an innocent look making the taller growl loudly.

Jungkook grinded his hips upwards to meet jimins cock, making the smaller moan out - still with the two fingers in his mouth. "Good, sugar doll." Jungkook whispered as he lowered his salvia covered fingers. Slowly without warning he slid one of his fingers into Jimin, immediately feeling his tight walls. Jimin caressed his shoulder sweetly "b-be gentle please..." he whimpered out as Jungkook had begun to move his finger in and out of jimins needy hole. "Of course, I promise." Jungkook whispered as he inserted one more finger in Jimin, gently scissoring him. Jimin rolled his head back, while closing his eyes as he felt the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.

Jungkook slid both fingers out of Jimin, as he couldn't wait to be inside him no more. Jimin began whimpering, immediately missing jungkooks touch. The taller spit his salvia down in his own hand, slowly beginning to stroke his own member as he watched the needy blond under him. He soon enough entered the tip of his cock into the smallers hole, making jimin flinch. Tears pressed down in his eyes as Jungkook entered himself more and more.  The first tear fell when Jungkook was almost halfway in. The pain couldn't be described but he just held onto jungkooks back as tight as he could.

Jungkook groaned as soon as he was fully inside, giving Jimin a moment to adjust to his size. The smaller was crying quietly, from the amount of pain that was hitting his lower half. Jungkook looked up, placing small butterfly kisses on his neck. "I know baby...The pain will go over soon, just tell me when I can move. I'll be gentle." Jungkook whispered into jimins neck. "Y-you can move...s-slowly please.." Jimin whispered as he flicked his eyes shut. The pain only began to grow as Jungkook barely moved inside the smaller. Jimin clenched his teeth tight together as Jungkook began moving a little faster. He slammed his nails down in the youngers muscular back, making the other slightly groan in pain.

After some time of slowly trusting Jimin began to feel amazing pleasure. "Fa-faster" Jimin moaned out making jungkooks groans louder. The taller started thrusting harder, not hard enough to make the other hurt in any type of way. As they had fucked in the slow comfortable speed, Jimin started to feel much more hot and horny. He felt his stomach turn in satisfaction, but something was just off....It wasn't because he was having sex with a world know serial killer..No, it was because of the speed. Jimin wanted harder and faster.

"P..Please fa-faster...M-more." Jimin begged. Jungkook grabbed jimins hips and pressed them down in the mattress, now going in a much faster faze, making their skin clap together. Jimin roughly held onto jungkooks long black locks, as the other was leaving love bites all over his neck. While Jimin was trying to hold in all his moans, Jungkook didn't care at all if anyone was going to hear them. Jungkook felt like he was in heaven. Being over Jimin, cock inside while the smaller was begging about wreaking him and telling him "all yours".

As Jungkook slammed his hips in jimin once more, the smaller came unknowingly, making his cum splatter all over their stomachs. He couldn't help but roll his eyes back from Jungkook still going, now  heavy breathing, still thrusting but in a sloppy way. As something wet filled Jimin up, a loud moan left his lips. Jungkooks body collapsed on the smallers as he closed his eyes. With a shaky hand, Jimin started massaging jungkooks sweaty head scalp, gently. A loud shaky sigh left jungkooks mouth

"How can I be this lucky when I have done the worst things you've imagined....?"

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