Wings AU

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Requested by ArtsiiAnimall

I kinda changed a bit from what you asked but it still follow the guidelines that you gave me sooooooo yeah.

Peter always hid his wings. Most people asked why and he always responded that they often got in his way and were rather annoying something. Which in a way was true, because his wings were huge. 

It was well known fact that everybody had wings, and that they were always about 4 feet long, sometimes they were slightly shorter or slightly longer but always about 4 feet. The wings were retractable and almost like magic you could make them fold up and they would disappear completely, it was one of the things scientists were still trying to figure out, but constantly failed.

However long ago, it is described that gods and goddess had 10 feet wingspans. Some people believe this, others don't. What is also a fact, again a relatively well known fact, is that someone who has a completely pure heart and is almost incapable of doing bad could also end up with 10 feet wingspans. Very few people in history have had 10 foot wingspans but it basically guarantees fame. Everybody would be in awe of you, they would want to be friend, they would follow you on social media and stalk your every movement.

That was one of many reasons Peter hid his wings. Because he had a pair of 10 foot long wings. He was also Spider-Man which meant it would obviously be harder to protect his identity. 

So Peter hid his wings from everyone, it was probably his only secret that nobody in the whole wide world knew and he planned on keeping it that way. The only time Peter ever had his wings out was if he was sure he was alone, and that no one was going to bother him. 

Even though he hid them, Peter really loved his wings, because there was another secret about having 10 foot long wings that nobody knew about. He had the ability to change there colour. He loved making his wings superhero themed and often tried to use multiple colours at once to try and use a certain heroes colour scheme. However a downside to them, was when he wasn't focusing or thinking somewhere in his brain what colour he wants his wings they often start reacting to his emotions.

Other people had obviously noticed he never had his wings out, though none of them really cared. Ned asked him all the time if he could see his wings and Peter always refused and Ned would repesct his answer for about a day when he would ask again and once again be refused. It was a cycle. 

The Avengers however, knew almost everything about most of them. Of course nobody really knew if some of the stuff Natasha told them about her was real since some of it was ridiculous and Tony refused to talk about his childhood or what happened in that cave in afghanistan. 

The team was also quite open with there wings and since the hallways and rooms in the tower and compound were huge, nobody ever really bothered to hide their wings. So when Peter had started hanging out with them more often, they all noticed how he had never shown them his wings, and from a quick check on some security cameras from his school, they realised that it seemed like nobody had ever seen his wings.

This of course, made the Avengers curious. Why didn't Peter show anyone his wings? So they made a desicion as a group. The next time Peter was over and they were all a group, they would ask him about his wings.

It was almost a month after they made the desicion that they were all finally together as a group with Peter. After lots of shared glances and conversations with their eyes, Tony finally asked the question.

"Hey Kid, How come you never have your wings out?" Peter froze for a second, he had been expecting this question for a long time but he had never been able to actually come up with a good enough excuse to use if they asked. He couldn't say there wasn't really enough room or it would be to crowded because the room was huge, he had tons of room to move around. 

"Uhmm well, I-I don't really know, I guess I just don't really like having them on display." He manages to stutter out, as he seemed to shrink in himself as he felt the stares of everyone in the room. 

"Well can we see them?" Clint asks, as he props his legs up onto the coffee table and leans back a bit.

"Uh I guess, but you can't tell anyone what they look like!" He squeaks out and looks around the room expectantly. After recieveing a nod of comfirmation that they woudn't tell anyone from each person, Peter stood up.

"Ok." He mumbles to himself as he starts unfurling him wings. He hears almost silent gasps from the most of the team as his wings stretched out to their full length, hanging over some of their heads. The Wings were a light purple, reflecting his nervousness and slight panic over them judging him for having such big wings. 

Natasha reacts first, by reaching her hand out to the part of the wing, which was very near her, and grazes her hand against the feather not failing to notice how soft it was. This seemed to snap the others out of their shock as they all starting talking at once, over the top of each other, making it very hard for Peter to understand what they were saying.

This makes Peter panic a bit more and the Wings shift to a medium purple, which none of them fail to notice, making them all fall silent.

"Kid, Did your wings just change colour?" Tony questions as he is gawking at the wings.

"Yeah, sometimes they like to react to my emotions but i can also change them if i want to," he explains as he makes them flash through the rainbow colours. "Usually I can make them whatever colour I want but sometimes they like to go according to my mood."

"But why are your wings so big? They have to be like 10 feet long?" Sam pipes up, asking the question they were all asking.

"Honestly, I'm not too sure but its the reason I hide them, if anyone found out and them they told other people or someone got it on a video and uploaded to the internet or anything like that and then news stations found out, it would be all over the news and I would probably be famous, which I really don't want so I kept a secret," he rambles, "Like not even Ned know about this so you guys really can't tell anyone. At all. I mean I guess, you can tell Pepper, she can know, but no one else." 

"Okay we get it kid, only telling Pepper and nobody else can know." Tony interrupts, smiling faintly at the rambling. 

From them on, Peter was more open with his wings around the Avengers and it became a guessing game about Peter's emotions from his wing colour and Peter often played along and changed the colours around to try to confuse them. It usually worked.

Peter even ended up letting Ned see them one time when he dragged him over to the tower one day after school. Life was much easier from then on.

1238 words long, this is an accomplishment for me. Also there are so many reads! So much positive feedback from all you guys, it's amazing. So thank you guys for all the votes and comments, seeing them absolutely makes my day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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