47 ➳ Boys Can Cry Too

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Within a good forty-five minutes of driving and Hale and I singing on and off to the songs that would play through his car. We had argued for a moment over who was a better singer when in reality we were both horrid and could most likely make even a deaf person's ears bleed.

My mind drifted away from the music and into my subconscious, the main theme being, Lila Hayes.

I understand completely why she didn't show up, I mean the girl is going through heaps right now. I know for one if my mother had just died from an overdose of drugs then I would want to be as far away from people as I could, school being the last thing on my mind.

But it's been a week and I've hardly heard from her well, we've exchanged a few texts here and there, her obviously being blunt and taking a while to reply but I honestly didn't expect anything but that, maybe even less than what she was managing to give me.

I just wish that she would at least let me in so I can try and help her, I don't want her to think that now her mother is gone that she is alone and has no one, cause that is not true. She has so many people she has Hale and Harrison, she has me and my strange family and lastly, she has Lakyn.

Deep down I truly think that they were made for each other. It's something about how they are always at each other's throats or well were, now they seem to be at something else. I feel like they both somehow have managed to understand each other better over the last few weeks and have managed to sort out their issues.

From the first moment I met them I knew that they would get over their fighting and become closer, it's just they would be so perfect for each other and I've seen the way that Lakyn has looked at her when he thinks no one is watching, his eyes seem to unfreeze from their frozen state and glisten with adoration.

Also, whenever he's around her you can just feel the protectiveness that just seems to radiate off of him. He has perfect reasoning behind being so protective over her as well, I mean she's had so much thrown at her.

Her dad controlling her and mistreating her, her whole life; She was raped by someone at her own school at a party; Almost jumped off of a thirteen story building which had then caused her to be suspected of being a part of his disappearance; Not getting into Yale which broke her family tradition; She's been verbally assaulted in front of her whole cohort at school and then lastly the most heart breaking, her mothing dying.

For pretty much all of those events Lakyn has been very close by, being ready to save Lila when she needs it most. I mean the guy seriously beat the crap out of Kian because he was talking badly to her which now means that Lakyn now has a restraining order against him and a slight criminal record.

I just hope that he's still choosing to protect her now, even though she's probably trying her hardest to push him away, I hope that he is still right by her side or fighting as hard as he can to save her from falling apart, into a million tiny, fragile pieces.

As I looked out the window of the passenger's side door, I was met with the slight incline as Hale started to drive up the mountain, the same one that he had driven up a month or so ago. The winding road lead up to the look out, the one that Hale had taken me on our first date too.

Once we were at the top it was as if we were millions of miles away from everything and everyone. At day time it was alright to see but I think I prefer it at night as I loved looking out at the millions of small lights throughout Dayton City.

Hale parked his car in the same spot as he did last time which perfectly over looked the city. We got out of the car and walked over to a nearby picnic bench, its paint was as chipped as my nails which was pretty bad, it also had heaps of graffiti or couples' initials or names carved into it.

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