61 ➳ Lakyn or Boston

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As my foot stepped out of the office doors, I let out a massive breath that I seemed to have been holding for that last twenty minutes I was in there. To be more specific I had been talking to Principle Vanderbilt.

The reasoning for talking to him was all due to me waking up extremely anxious this morning as I realized that the teachers and students for that matter had probably reported yesterday's fight, between Boston and Lakyn, which would probably result in them both being suspended today.

All I had said to Principle Vanderbilt was that Lakyn was only defending himself as Boston or well Dallas had created the whole situation and that it was not meant to escalate like it had. I also stated to him that I'll make sure that this will never happen again and that they won't interact with each other anymore.

Principle Vanderbilt had then thanked me for my concern about both boys and that they weren't going to be suspended. I was confused and asked about his reasoning, he then stated that another student has come forward and told him the truth about what happened.

Therefore no one shall be punished unless it happens again.

I had been a lot more worried about Lakyn than I was Boston simply due to the fact that Lila wasn't going to get him out of this situation and neither was Hale as I had a feeling, he wouldn't show up to school today due to our break up.

There was no way in hell that I wanted to be stuck at school by myself with Boston or Lila who is most likely already plotting my murder. I needed Lakyn, as right now he is the only person I haven't fucked things up with... yet.

He seems to be the only person that will hear me out and let me explain myself, as I know for a fact that if I event went near Lila or Hale right now, they would both just give me the cold shoulder and I don't blame them at all.

Lakyn could be the one thing or well person that I can fully trust and talk to for that matter. Talking to Lake is something I want or well need to do right now. I need to warn him all about how Truman, Kian, and Blaire can't be trusted, no matter what.

But achieving any time with Lakyn is going to be extremely difficult as Boston is pretty much glued to my hip and I have pretty much every class with the guy so it's going to not be an easy task, but I'm willing to play my cards and try.

As I pushed my glasses slightly up the bridge of my nose and turned around the corner for my next class which I didn't have with Boston, surprisingly. As I took another step and turned to look behind me as If someone were watching me, I smacked into a wall.

Ta grunt was heard straight away then followed by, "Oh shit." the not so wall said as they quickly reached for my arm which helped to stabilize me from inevitably falling.


"Lakyn?" we had both said simultaneously.

My face dropped as I had realized what this chance encounter meant, this was pretty much my one and only chance to talk to Lakyn... alone. I quickly looked around me to see if anyone had seen us in the hall but there was no one at all.

Instantly I wasted no time in grabbing his arm, which resulted in him hissing out in pain as it was most likely still sore from the fight between him and Boston, and dragged him into the janitor's closet where I then slammed the door shut.

Lakyn smirked, "Please don't tell me you dragged me in here to fuck." Lakyn stated as he smirked, "Cause I don't really fuck Hale's ex fuck arounds, well except for that one gir-"

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