2. Could he..?

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Henry POV :

I had been avoiding Ralph the entire day, i knew he knew something was wrong. I slumped out of bed and got dressed before my alarm clock went off, i went downstairs and grabbed an energy bar and walked out the door. Ignored my parents and just left, i didn't know what to do so i just walked out the door. I wanted to think about how i was gonna tell Ralph...

Time skip

I got to my classroom and sat down, i didn't look up until someone slammed a hand onto my desk. "So Henry what's with the long face." Margaret said and laid her head on my desk. Margaret had grown up a lot and we were kinda friends now. I sighed and watched her long purple hair roll off the desk, she was wearing a green cropped tracksuit and skinny ripped jeans. She really looked so different from when we were kids.

"So what's the matter?" She said leaning backward on the chair in front. "Ughh i like someone but i can't tell them." I said slamming my head on the desk, "OoOoooOh who's the lucky girl." She said and at that moment Ralph walked into the classroom with Brian. I leaned back and we shared a glance, before i blushed and looked away. "NO WAY!" Margaret said and got up. I shushed her and she sat down, she leaned forward smirked "Your gay Henry why didn't you tell me?" She said and shook me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Soo you and Ralph. I mean you guys were sus but i never knew you actually liked each other." She said in such a gossip tone. "Pfft as if he likes me." I rolled my eyes and slumped back. "So u haven't confessed?" She said and looked at me. "No but can you help me?" I asked her. "Me. what can i do?" She scoffed, "I want you to put a note in his bag for me." I gave her the note and she looked at it suspiciously. She was about to open it before i stopped her, "Do not open it." She rolled her eyes and got up. "Waiit a minute what's in this for me?" She said twirling the note in her hand.

I pinched my nose bridge and looked back at her. "Ok, a fiver." I offered. She giggled and gave me a look, "Ok a tenner." She still gave me the same look. "Fifteen?" I questioned, she rolled her eyes and played with the note. "Ok fine twenty," I said giving up, she smiled and clapped then walked over to Susan then over to Ralph. Susan distracted Ralph and Brian while Margaret put the note into his bag. After it was done I pulled a crispy twenty-pound note out of my bag and gave it to them. I feel like I just got robbed but whatever serves me right for being a pussy.

"Thanks, Margaret," I said as she sat down. "Anytime Henry." She turned around and I sighed looking at Ralph. 'Im gonna do it.' I thought to myself.

Ralph's POV

I was still confused about Henry and why he was avoiding me. I decided to talk to him and apologize to him. After class, I walked over to his seat and he looked up at me. "Urm mate i-i'm sorry if I grossed you out yesterday. I just want you to know that you can talk to me when you're ready." I managed to say and walked out without an answer.

Time skip (the last lesson after lunch)

I walked into the class with Al and Brian, I hadn't seen Henry after I talked to him so I suspected he left early. I sighed and sat down in my seat. "Ok class take out your HW from yesterday." The teacher bellowed, I reached into my bag and felt a note I hadn't put in there. I pulled it out and opened it, 'come to the PHG fort at 7. I'm ready to talk -Henry.'

I stared at the note blankly. "Is that your homework Ralph?" The teacher asked, I shook my head and gave her my homework. I couldn't focus in class, all I could hear was my heartbeat and the clock ticking. 'Was Henry gonna say he didn't wanna be my friend? Did he know I like him? Is he gonna out me? Will, he not want anything with me?' These questions make made my stomach churn and my cheeks hot. I felt like I was gonna explode, then the bell rang. I got up and ran out of the classroom and all the way home.

When I got home I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. Tears were streaming down my face, I felt sick. 'Why henry, why did you have to have a crush on him out of all people? Why can't I BE NORMAL? "You're a piece of shit." I threw my bag to the other side of the room. And put my head in my hands and cried.

(Disclaimer: this next part includes self-harm and self-loathing if this triggers you to skip the next paragraph.)

'You know your stupid' i heard it again. 'You don't deserve it.' I said again, 'He won't love you.' I gripped my hair tighter and started crying louder. 'No one will'' I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, 'Look at ¥ou' "I'm ugly." I whispered '¥es you are. ¥ou sinned.' I rested my elbows on the sink and put my head in my hands, 'Do it, Ralph.' I shook my head. 'You know you want to.' "I can't I promised nan," I whispered. 'Who cares your already a disappointment.' I stared at the razor on the sink. 'God might forgive you and let you keep henry. Do it.' I shook my head again. 'Ok come on it's fun.' I stared at it my hand inching closer. 'Yes go on you can do it.' I picked it up and stared at it. 'Yes so close now...' i rolled up my sleeve and stared at my arm. My remaining scars were faded my still very visible, 'Go on...' without thinking I brought it to my arm and gently scratched the skin. An overwhelming sense of relief came over me. 'There you go.' I watched the tiny red dots drip onto the sink 'don't you feel better.' I nodded and started to wash the razor. I pressed a cold wet towel over my fresh scar slightly hissing at the sensation on my skin.

( sensitive paragraph over.)

I cleaned up and went to change, I walked back to my room and put on an oversized black hoodie. I checked the time it was 5:00 wow I was there longer than I thought. I grabbed my phone and headed out to Henry's, I walked downstairs and said goodbye to my mum then started to walk to Henry's.

The sun was just setting and it caused the neighbourhood to be a beautiful shade of purples, oranges and yellows. I slowly walked trying to control my mind and block out my bad thoughts.

After about 1 hour and a half, I arrived at Henry's. I sighed and climbed over the fence to the Purple hand gang fort, I took a deep breath and opened to curtain revealing Henry on his phone.

Henry POV

I was waiting in the PHG fort for Ralph I was gonna have to tell him. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Insta when Ralph opened the curtain. I looked at him and smiled, "Hey come in." I gestured towards the side of me to sit down.

He sat down cautiously and started biting his nails nervously, I looked at him even when he was tense his hair still looked too fluffy and his face was so cute and nervous. His body is just breathtaking. His upper body was covered with the oversized jumper he was wearing, and his thighs jogging up and down like they did when he was nervous.

I sighed and put my hand on his thigh and squeezed it to try and calm him down. He looked at me his jitters finally stopping. I stared into his big brown sparkling eyes. He was so beautiful I couldn't contain myself anymore, "I like you." I blurted out. His eyes widened and I looked away, "W-what?" He said and stared at me. "I like you. Like, like you, like you. Not in the best mate type of way." I said immediately feeling a sense of relief wash over me. He stared at me with a mix of shock and emotion I couldn't figure out, I looked away worried about his response.

He got up on his knees and kept staring at me. "Are you sure?" He asked, I looked at him and nodded. "You're not lying. Are you?" He asked shuffling closer, "No! I would never lie-" I was cut off by him grabbing the back of my head and crashing his lips into mine. At first, I was shocked but then slowly started to melt into it and kiss him back. After a couple of minutes he lifted me onto his lap to deepen the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my waist as I ran my hands through his hair.
Lol I changed it uppyyy hehehe

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