Chapter 4

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Ember heard a shriek come from the outside. She was moving slowly towards Thayne's master. She was determined to find him... There was still hope.

Ember heard a tiny whimper. She navigated toward the sound. She felt her foot step on something.

She looked down and expected it to be a leg. But it was just a piece of iron. She shook her head and continued.

A pile of ash came down from the roof. Ember touched it with her finger. It was ash alright. She looked up. There was... Cracks in the roof?

Ember shrugged it off. She kept on moving into the building, her mouth still being filled with thick smoke.

She heard footsteps behind her, she spun around and saw a silhouette of a female body. She tilted her head and went back to trying to find Thayne's master.

"STOP!" She heard a familiar voice yell, "STOP IT," She started to make weird noises, "— UH, EMBER."

Ember looked at the girl. She just now noticed that the girl was Faith. Ember all of a sudden had a source of protection come over her.

"Ember!" Faith yelled once again. "We need to get out of this mess! Or else—else—" Faith couldn't finish the sentence. She started shaking. Ember caught her. She felt close to Faith. She did Ember a great deed. Now Faith was trying to...

Rescue her?

Ember's ears filled with the sound of cracking. Both of them looked up, the roof was falling in! What would they do?

They had to run for it, to find Thayne's master. Both of them dodged all the falling ash. Faith was running slowly, tired. Ember grabbed onto Faith's hand. They both started running faster.

The whimper was getting louder and louder. Faith dropped to her knees and looked at Thayne's master, checking if he was okay.

Faith and Ember began to lift Thayne's master up. The master just shook out of their hands. He looked at both of them. "Save yourselves..." He managed to whisper, putting a piece of paper in each of the girl's hands. Faith looked down, staring at the paper that he gave her.

Ember tried to pick him up, he just wiggled out again, "I might not think we'll of you!" Aha, these lines. Faith thought to herself. "But to Thayne you are the most important person ever! Please just come with us!" Ember tried to drag Thayne's master again, failing. "Please!" She said.

Thayne's master took Ember and threw her out of the building. He turned to do the same but hesitated. He had heard what Faith had said. She had helped keep Thayne alive. He looked deep within Faith's sparkling eyes. "Take care of Thayne."

He reached and tossed Faith out of the fire. She landed on the ground, surely she had broke something. She jerked her head around and stared at the flames. She stood up, tears in her eyes. She started to run towards the building. Kevin caught this action and ran towards Faith, holding her back. Cody soon joined too.

Faith was pinned to the spot, trying to wiggle out Cody and Kevin just held her the more tighter. She finally jerked out and ran towards the fire.

The building collapsed. Faith just stood there, dumbfounded. She turned around, crying. "I—I was supposed to gain there trust." She cried looking from Ember to Thayne. "N-now they will leave without us. T-t-they will not care for us..." Faith fell to the earth. Cody and Kevin just looked from one to another, their eyebrow raised.

Faith started to crawl towards the two knocked out beings. Cody tried to pull Faith away but then Faith burst, "CODY! LET ME GO SEE IF THEY ARE OKAY!" Cody sheepishly backed away. Faith then eyed Kevin, "And don't even think about it... Kevin Zimmerman."

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