13 | it's the fireworks when two souls collide

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it's the fireworks when two souls collide

(Falling in Love Pie by Sara Bareilles)


August 14, 1976

Hermione blearily opened her eyes as her alarm went off. She grasped for her wand and gave it a tiny wave. The sound instantly vanished and it took the brunette a few more seconds before she hauled herself up from her bed.

She glanced at the handsome arch-shaped window in the guest room and saw the beginnings of sunrise. Wand in hand, Hermione pressed its tip against her heart and murmured, "Amato. Animo. Animato. Animagus."

A thrill ran down her spine when she felt a second heartbeat the book about Animagi transformation had spoken of. She first felt it yesterday during sundown, but she wasn't entirely sure what it was as it was so fleeting. Now that she had felt it once more, it meant she was on the right track. Now all that was left was waiting for a thunderstorm and drinking her hidden potion, for the ritual to be complete.

Hermione let herself marvel the beautiful sunrise, a burst of bright orange and yellow painting the whole sky, and illuminating the lovely garden of the Potter Manor.

It had already been a few days since she and Peter had come to stay in said Manor. Tomorrow, they would be going home to meet Anya and would start getting ready for the next school-year. It surprised her greatly how there was a certain sadness at the thought. Staying at the Potter Manor had been fun, and she had grown considerably closer to the Marauders, despite the shortness of time. They were still rowdy berks, but tolerable enough for Hermione to now join in their fun most of the time. It was laughable, but she would surely miss Sirius' barking laugh, or Remus' snarky retorts, and James' mischievous hazel eyes.

A part of her hoped it would soon be September 1st.

She stared outside for a few more minutes before deciding to start freshening up for the day. It was still too early and because it was summer, the other occupants of the Manor wouldn't get out from their beds for another two or three hours more. Ever since she had started doing this ritual, Hermione found herself unable to sleep anymore and had decided to explore Potter Manor until she was called for breakfast.

For the last few days, she had discovered delightful rooms and even talked with some of the illustrious ancestors of the Potter family. Hermione was particularly acquainted with the portrait of Linfred of Stinchcombe, who was said to be the founding patriarch of the Potter family.

Linfred was an eccentric man, with the famous raven, dishevelled hair of a Potter, who had different potted plants scattered around him in his portrait. He often spoke about his fascinating potion experiments that ultimately led to the development of Skele-Gro and Pepper-Up. Hermione once pointed out to the talkative man that her best friend would love to meet him, seeing he was a Potions prodigy himself. Linfred had told her to invite him over, but Hermione softly snorted, imagining Severus Snape's horror when he discovered he was invited to come over Potter Manor.

As Hermione donned a turquoise sweater and placed her wand in the back pocket of her jeans, she had already decided she would peruse the library today. She had been there a few times in the past, accomplishing her homework and doing some light reading, but she was always swept away by the Marauders for another adventure. She would appreciate some quiet before she was surrounded by testosterone-filled boys with a thirst for ridiculous quests.

She walked out of her quaint bedroom. The corridors were still quiet; most of the portraits were still dozing.

Hermione travelled along the corridor until she reached the imposing oak wooden doors of the library.

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