28 | i'll show you good, restore your faith

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i'll show you good, restore your faith

(Orpheus by Sara Bareilles)


June 24, 1978

"Well isn't this adorable?"

Both witches glanced at Severus, whose lips had curled up in disdain at the quaint picnic Hermione had prepared behind the Shrieking Shack.

"Wipe that ridiculous look from your face, Sev," Lily demanded with a small scowl. "It is adorable and I don't mean that sarcastically, Hermione." She crawled closer to Hermione and held her hand. "I really love what you've prepared today."

Hermione's cheeks turned red as a small chuckle escaped from her lips. "Hogsmeade is terribly packed with people," she explained. "I'd rather we enjoy our last Hogsmeade weekend together with just the three of us."

Lily's smile turned forlorn, lightly squeezing Hermione's hand. Even Sev's eyes softened as he sat on the picnic blanket beside his girlfriend.

The seventh years had finally finished their NEWTs, much to Hermione's relief. The remaining days prior to the final exams had been rigorous and stressful, to say the least. Peter had numerous breakdowns and Hermione had to calm him down most of the time, reassuring him that he'd do well in the end. Mary was a blessing as she was able to calm him down with just her mere presence. Since then, every time Peter was studying in the library for his NEWTs, Hermione made sure that Mary was there to keep his sanity in check.

Even Sirius had grown serious, keeping his quips to a minimum as he tried to cram as much information into his head as possible. Remus had been his usual diligent self, but Hermione could see how the stress of a full moon combined with NEWTs had steadily been taking its toll on the werewolf. Hermione reverently supplied him with bars of chocolate to keep him going, and Remus always looked at her appreciatively. James had his own share of breakdowns too, topped with his growing pile of Head Boy responsibilities and the frustration of studying Arithmancy. Hermione had been the dutiful girlfriend, always soothing his worries with brief kisses on the cheek and even letting him hold her hand while he furiously studied, squeezing her hand every so often to get as much comfort as he could.

Hermione was a bundle of nerves during the weeks of their NEWTs. Admittedly, she had been distracted from her own final exams, constantly praying to the cosmic stars above that her friends would be able to breeze through the most important tests of their whole life.

She was only able to breathe easy when the last day of NEWTs finally arrived. Hermione still hadn't seen the Marauders, opting to search for them after having lunch with her best friends. She just hoped they were well.

Hermione sadly smiled at her best friends and reached for Sev with her other free hand. The Slytherin, who normally scorned at any affection besides Lily's, gripped her hand equally tight. "I'm going to miss you both so much," she said, tears glistening in her eyes.

Lily was comically trying to wipe away her tears but failed terribly in the end. "I'm going to miss you too," the fiery redhead said as she threw her arms around the younger witch and held on tight.

Sev sighed at their ridiculousness, but the corners of his lips twitched into a small, fond smile. "I'm going to see you often next year, I'm sure," he reassured.

Hermione peeked over Lily's shoulder and frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"He's going to apply for a teaching position here at Hogwarts," Lily answered for the Slytherin, completely pulling away to grin at her boyfriend. "Tell her what good deed you've done, Sev."

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