Chapter 1: Old World

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Year 2030

Shiro PoV

" Shiro! Hang in there! I'm gonna call back up" I grab the red hair woman's hand stopping her from standing as she stays at my side. I can feel my consciousness losing but I endure all the pain to tell her something important.

" Don't....Stay with me"

" I need to bring you to the hospital. Please" the woman begged as I shook my head

" No. Let me die. "

" What are you saying? I will not let you die!"

" I told you we're gonna bring down the organization with all our power," I smirk at her as blood blur my sight. I really want to see her face again before I die.

" Not with the extent of your life." I smile at Natasha's concern, she really is a kind woman.

" My life started with the organization, I must also perish with them..." I look at the sky and for the first time in my life, I feel content and peaceful.

" Hey Nat" I called for her the last time as I stare into the sky.

" Yes?" I hear her muffled cry.

" Thank you for making me feel that even someone like me still deserving the love from you... I'm sorry that I didn't know how to show you how I felt"

" I will always love you." Natasha whisper kissing me one last time before I let the darkness consume my consciousness.

I wasn't even one year old when my parents sent me to the orphanage because of my superhuman intelligence. They made me undergo into intelligence test every day until a man came with his fake smile and decided to adopt me.

From that day on, the man-made me study under a technical engineer where I created all dangerous technology and weapons. He started to train me into different kinds of Martial Arts and into different techniques of assassination. I wanted to run from the life he's teaching me but I'm surrounded by his people and I never got a chance to escape this life. I have no choice but to accept my fate.

He started to use me as a guinea pig and start to fuse weapon in my body that it affects my emotional state. Whenever I feel so much, the weapon can be activated and destroy everything around me. I become dangerous and I start to lock all my emotions to keep those around me safe.

I became the most dangerous Assassin. The world never knew my name but they identify me as 'The Destroyer' or 'The God of Destruction."

I became a cold person who responds like a robot for every mission I got. I always pray if ever there was a God that He sent someone that will end my life. I just want to stop. The Killing. The Blood. Everything.

I got my answers when I met Natasha. An Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D... She is a powerful woman with great combat abilities. But that's not what makes her special. Natasha is a woman who sees me for me. She is the one who shows me kindness which I never experienced in my whole life. She made me believe that there is an Angel like her that would smile and understand me.

And that gave me the courage to fight back even knowing the consequences of fighting against the organization. I leaked all the organization's files and created them a weapon that will counteract the organization's weapon.

The organization found out about my betrayal and punish me until I tell them to whom I revealed their secret. I endured all the pain and plan to destroy them while Natasha and her comrades attack our compound. The fights end with me killing the leader and hacking the system and activating the chips that located inside our body that will kill all of the member's organization.

I know dying will never atone all the killing I made. After all, for someone like me. Dying is the easiest way to run away from all that I did. If ever there was a chance for me to atone all of the mistakes I did.

" Your wish is my command"

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