Chapter 3: Childhood

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1 month old

Shiro PoV

It is my first time to be bored in my whole life. Another emotion I learn aside from crying. Even if I want to walk and explore, I can't, because I'm still uncoordinated. I try not to cry so much so my mother can have enough sleep and somehow it works well it works sometimes when I don't need a diaper change and don't need to drink milk.

Though watching from this baby point of view amused me of how my parents are so enthralled with the newborn. I learn something every day since they brought me home.

I learn that my mother is an actress while my father is an aspiring mystery author since he's been reading me every night a book and sometimes it makes me sleepy. I never had parents that care so much about me and somehow I'm starting to get used to their antics especially the warmth I felt whenever I'm being held by one of them.

I also met other people that are close to my parents who visited my mother when she's in the hospital. I met Prof. Agasa, my father's best friend and also my godfather then I met Eri Kisaki who is my mother's friend and also my godmother.

I woke up from my nap and found myself lay between my parents who are sleeping. I stay awake for a while before I get bored and try to do something new.

' Great. Let's try something new' It takes a while before I completely roll myself on my stomach and I consider it a victory as a baby. I lift my head to look whose more closer to me and found it to be my father. I lift my arm

' Great. I'm starting to get coordinated. Let's wake up father'

General PoV


" Ompp" Yusaku woke up from the small smack on his face and face to face with his gurgling happy daughter who is laying on her stomach and kicking her feet in excitement.

' Wait. Shiro is already lying on her stomach. And is laughing already'

" Yukiko. Wake up" Yusaku excitedly woke his girlfriend up while taking his video camera.

" What? Is there something wrong?" Yukiko yawn stretching before looking down and seeing what makes her boyfriend excited.

" Oh, dear. Look at you Shiro-chan. You can already roll on your stomach. And you can already laugh." Yukiko squeal as she lifts her daughter and kisses her repeatedly on the cheeks making her daughter gurgle happily while Yusaku film everything. Proud of his little girl.

" She's already advance on her age. Your gonna be like your papa when you grow up. Right?" Yusaku cooed kissing his daughter cheek who gurgle at him and touch his mustache and smile brightly at his father while Yukiko disagrees and tells him that Shiro will be like her...


5 months old

General PoV

Yusaku and Yukiko know that their daughter is advance in her age but it doesn't change their treatment to their daughter with love and attention and they plan to give Shiro a happy childhood.

At 5 months old. Shiro can already crawl and can babble already. She can even already understand her parents whenever they talk to her and they found it cute whenever she nods seriously when they tell her not to repeat adult curse words.

They also learn that their daughter is a quiet child like her father and comfortable whenever her father always reads a book to her. Shiro always fond of her mother's movie and it warm Yukiko's heart whenever her daughter will babble happily and point on the screen whenever she sees her mother on the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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