Chapter 2: Shiro...

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Shiro PoV

" Your wish is my command" I snap my eyes open as I hear a voice around me. I look around and found my self in a void place. Being an assassin make me adapt and calm myself to observe around me

" Where am I?" I ask the person in front of me who didn't stop smiling.

" Welcome to The Void. Where I, Chaos, the God of all Creation resided. Have a sit. We have a lot of things to discuss." This is weird. I don't know if he is joking or not. But I remembered that I am already dead and is somewhere which is not Earth make me believe him.

" Aren't souls supposed to go afterlife or Hell since from the way I live my life," I stated to him as I take a sit in front of him.

" Which you have a little or no control over. That's why I decide to make a deal with Hades... I've been looking for a perfect candidate." Chaos makes a tablet appeared and scroll down to his tablet.

" Candidate for what?" I ask him in confusion since he is busy looking for something on his tablet.

" You see, I have been hearing problems from Hades in one of the universes that there are some people who have been escaping death. And since gods can't interfere with human lives anymore, I suggested bringing another person to solve the problem. It's been many years and universe since looking for the perfect candidate, I've been thinking of superheroes or good people but I think they can't handle the situation since it involves killing. And since I heard you say that you want to atone on your sins, I decided that you are the perfect and willing candidate."

" In other words. To atone my sins in life, I need to kill someone again as I did in my old life." I said bluntly since what he what me to do is like my same old life.

" I will not force you to kill anyone but in this universe, there is one person who is supposed to be dead but is still alive. And now, he's planning for world domination. His organization been interfering with a lot of cycles and killed a lot of people for their gains. I want you to stop them and you know how they move since you are a former assassin. I won't force you to kill anyone. I want you to end the organization like what you did to yours."

One of the universes means another version of Earth where I am not born yet or I don't exist. Ending a mission is a very hard mission, Natasha and I even take years with the help of her friends to end the organizations. If they are like mine. How many lives they destroyed? How many lives I destroyed before I start to fight back. I need to do this to pay for all the sins I did.

" I understand. With organizations like mine, there will be always death. Which organization I need to destroy?"

" And that's where you need to find out for yourself."

" What? Why don't you tell me so I know already who is my enemy"

" This is not just a mission for you. Consider is a chance for your new life. If I told you who are they, you will be focusing on your mission instead of your life. Think of it as your new book of your life, you need to start from the beginning and learn anything from there. And besides, you already got a huge advantage having your memories from your past life." Chaos explained.

" Fine. I understand where you coming through. What's next?"

" Its time for you to be reincarnated. Are you ready for your new life?"

" Give me your best shot" As soon as those words came out of my mouth, Chaos shot a beam towards my chest and made me fall down and lose my consciousness.

' Where am I?' I can't see anything and all I felt something liquid surrounding my body. I tried to move my body but found myself uncoordinated. I kick is what I thought a surface when I hit something in my head.

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