Chapter 16 - Pokemon Hunter

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Third Person POV

Suddenly a loud noise came from the nearby forest and they could see smoke and all the flying type pokemon fly away from the forest.

"What was that?" Ash said.

"It's coming from the forest," Serena said.

"It's that a Pokemon?" Shauna questioned Clemont.

Pikachu's ears twitched and he started to run toward the direction where the noise was coming from.

"Pikachu! Wait, where are you going?" Ash shouted as he started to run to catch up with Pikachu.

"Ash! come back!" Dawn shouted but he didn't listen. She just shook her head and decided to go after him.

"Maybe... We should follow them...?" Serena asked, looking towards her friends.

"Yeah, come on," May nodded and she began to walk but Drew grabbed her hand.

"We don't know what's there, It could be dangerous," Drew warned.

"Yeah, Drew is right," Calem said.

Shauna, Trevor, and Tierno nodded their heads.

Suddenly the sound of the explosion could be heard from the forest.

"Serena, they are right about that. We can't just walk in like that. We need a proper plan." Clement suggested.

"We have to find out what's going on?" May

"Yeah, but first we need to call Officer Jenny," Clemont advised.

"Yeah, we should wait for Officer Jenny to arrive," Calem spoke.

"At least, we have to find Ash and Dawn," Serena said looking toward Calem.

"Whatever, but why do we put ourselves in danger because of them." Drew scoffed.

"But..." Serena started but stopped because she knew that they were right.

"Fine Serena, we are going to look for them but be careful," Calem said.

Serena nods her head and then smiles.

"Shauna, Trevor, Tierno, and Bonnie you stay here and wait for Officer Jenny to arrive. We are going," Clemont said and
everyone nodded in agreement.

Back to Ash and Pikachu

After 5 minutes of walking, Ash, and Pikachu found the place where the explosion happened. They couldn't see because smoke is everywhere.

Someone grabs Ash's hand and drags him behind the bush.

"What!..." Ash said but stopped because someone put a hand on his mouth.

"Shhh is Dawn, a truck is coming," Dawn whispered.

The sound of the vehicle could be heard from nearby.

As the smoke started to clear they could see the truck in which the back door was open and they could see all the Pokemons in cages.

Someone jumped out of the truck, he has black hair and started to look around to find something or someone.

"Flygon, Crobat, come on out!" Man shouted.

"It looks like a Pokemon Hunter truck," Ash said.

"But what are they doing here?" Dawn asked.

"Flygon, Crobat you two scout the area and find out where the target is!" The man said as they flew away to find their target.

A man followed them with his truck.

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