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Chapter 1

Jordan was extra annoyed as he pressed on the car horn over and over again but there was no sign of life coming out the front door.
He was already running behind time and wasn't in the mood for dealing with annoying teachers who have been looking for a reason to ruin his perfect record.

You would think because he was a genius and top of the class all the teachers would love him but not all of them appreciated his smart mouth.
He was polite but never afraid to tell the truth or embarrass a teacher in the wrong.
A trait he had adopted from his brother which he wasn't very proud of.  

He decided to just leave when finally someone burst through the front door and ran to the car before throwing himself onto the passenger's seat.
“Thanks for waiting for me lil bro” Justin said giving Jordan his biggest smile.
“What on earth took you so long?” Jordan lashed out as he put the car in reverse.

“I don't just wake up looking this good. Perfection takes time” Justin said as he admired his reflection in the rearview mirror.
“Then take the bus next time. I can't be waiting for hours for you to get ready. I'm extra late already” Jordan complained as he drove them to school.
“Let me drive then because you drive like a grandma” Justin said earning a side glare.
“Remember that your speeding tendencies are the reason your car is getting the whole front repaired. Mom and dad even took your license. I'm not crazy, no thank you” Jordan said.

Soon they arrived at school and went their separate ways. Jordan was in AP classes and Justin in ordinary classes. Jordan was a star pupil but Justin was a star athlete. They were identical twins but we're different in every other aspect.

At lunch time Jordan was on his way to the library when Justin popped out of nowhere and dragged him to the cafeteria.
“What are you doing?” Jordan tried to push off his annoying brother but failed.
“Im not allowing you to crawl into your little hole like a hermit. You need human interaction. Its a basic need” Justin said.
“Well not all of us crave human attention like you” Jordan said but he had already lost the argument because they were now in the cafeteria.

After buying their food they joined the popular table which was filled with Justin's friends.
“Hey Jordan. Im so glad to see you” a preppy Lexie said as she gave him a flirty smile but he didn't even give her a second glance.
“I can't say the same” Jordan said before opening a book to read.
“Be nice” Justin said.
“I’m not going to pretend to be happy I'm here. Just be happy i gave her some form of attention” Jordan said before going totally silent.

Austin, Yuan, Nathan and Owen were trying not to burst into laughter from the exchange.
Everyone knew what kind of guy Jordan was but Lexie never seemed to learn her lesson when it came to associating with the nerd.

“So have you seen the new students?” Yuan asked as he broke the silence.
“Not yet but I hear they are twins” Austin responded.
“Twins?” Justin responded in interest.
“I saw them. They are male and pretty cool. I was delegated to give them a tour of the school all morning. They just had to see the principle for a bit before joining us for lunch. Let me tell you they are a hot pair” Owen explained with a mischievous smile.

“That's great news. Now Jordan and I can both date twins. That's like the ultimate twin fantasy” Justin said with a smirk.
“Don't include me into your perverted fantasies” Jordan said not looking away from his book but before Justin could respond he was interrupted by Owen who was calling the new twins over.
It was funny sight because both Jordan and Justin were frozen in place as they watched the beautiful boys approach the table.

As soon as the twins got comfortable Owen made introductions.
“This is Rider” Owen said as he introduced the brunette in glasses with forest green eyes, “and this is Riley” he introduced the brunette with ocean blue eyes. He then introduced everyone else.

“Now that introductions have been made let me just say me and my brother dating another set of twins has been my ultimate fantasy” Riley said and everyone on the table was silent in shock.
“Don't involve me in your sick fantasies” Rider said in response shocking the table even more.

“Its not sick, it's hot. Live a little” Riley said in response.
“I do live just cautiously. You're wild enough for both of us” Rider said as he kept his eyes on his phone.
“Wild and proud” Riley said with confidence as he turned to Justin, “I'm the fun twin and he is the nerd” he said first pointing at himself then Rider.
“I prefer the term intellectually superior but I understand your vocabulary is lacking so I will let it slide” Rider said.

“I feel like I'm watching Jordan and Justin interacting right now” Yuan said and everyone agreed as they laughed.
“I'm leaving. I have more important things to do instead of wasting it with idiots” Jordan said as he packed up.
“Thank goodness someone who knows the value of time” Rider said as he did the same.

“He is just going back to the library” Justin said rolling his eyes.
“Even better. I need to fill in the brain cells I have lost from wasting my time on meaningless conversation. Please lead the way Jordan?” Rider said as soon the nerds left for the library.

“WOW. Rider might be even worse than Jordan” Austin said with a laugh.
“Imagine how i feel. I live with that monster” Riley said with a frown.
“All this time i thought he was the sweet adorable one between you two” Owen said.
“Never judge a book by its cover Owen. You will be greatly disappointed” Riley said before the lunch bell rang.


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