What is it like dating the legends

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Bangalore: waking up early to go jogging together. Going to the gym and a regular dating site for you two. And sometimes a spa for those relaxing days

Bloodhound: living in a secluded area in the woods. Not a lot of access to technology, but you learn to love nature. Talks about the all father a lot

Caustic: smells of chemicals in the house or apartment. You need a high IQ just to have a conversation with him. A lot of science in the house, from beakers to chemical formulas laying around

Crypto: a very trust building relationship. doesn't talk about his past a lot until he trusts you. He's always on some technical device but he would always make time for you

Gibraltar: living on the seaside. Learning about the Hawaiian culture and volunteering to help others. A lot of putting others before your own needs

Lifeline: when was the last time you were sick? You can't remember because lifeline will always take care of you. Always eating healthier because of her, and always getting enough exercise.

Loba: you and her are always dressed to kill everywhere you two go. She always steals the best things for you and her of course. But she knows to be there for you to emotionally help you

Mirage: he's always making corny jokes at the worst and best times. Always using his clones to help with chores so he can spend more time with you

Octane: jogging not only in the morning but in the afternoon and evening and sometimes at night. But he always makes sure to go at your pace since you're not at experienced as he is

Pathfinder: High fives everyday! You're hand is gonna hurt or turn a bit red. But he does it out of love so don't worry about him going evil or something

Revenant: you're not gonna be living in the best of places. His home is an abandoned building that could be haunted. You can never tells how he feels, some days he's overprotective and others he just wished you jumped off a bridge

Wattson: a lot of Nessie plushies and a lot of blue prints scattering the floor of the apartment. She's clumsy at times but it's just sooooo adorable

Wraith: waking up to her screaming or her looking out a window with bags under her eyes. Your job is to make sure she's happy and relaxed. So a lot of spa days and treat yo self days, so she can relax

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