Chapter 35

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This flat felt nightmarish to return to. A place I had spent what felt like an eternity within; where I had feared for my life and watched someone close to me die. 

And yet being here once again was in a way, freeing. Never again would I be trapped within its walls, or perhaps even to return at all, not after this visit. I had not returned without purpose - there were people I had to speak to here. 

He was silent, but I could sense his presence. Venturing further into the room revealed to me that he was stood, watching out the window. 

It had been so long since I had seen him... what could I even say? 

"Emilia." Acacius said; he smiled as he turned to face me. I could see it in his eyes, that he was no longer afraid. He appeared more youthful than he ever had before - like he was glowing from within, and maybe he was. It was strange to picture him with my mother, though I suppose at the time they would have looked the same age... but not now. She had aged, and he had remained like this, his body frozen in time. "You're here!"

Noah had told me that Acacius had been staying in his own safe house just a couple of hours away from this place. Now he had been pardoned by the angels, he was finally free to leave. And he had come here at my request so we could see each other before Lucifer came to take me away. 

"It's been a while." I smiled, though sad of the time we had lost, I was glad to be reunited now.

"We will have the rest of eternity." He promised me. "The sword is gone now, thanks to you. All of the angels will be safe forever. And now I am free to return to Heaven... we can truly be a family."

I averted my gaze from his eyes, suddenly feeling guilty. There might come a time very soon when I would not be allowed to return to Heaven. 

"I know you will make the right choice." He said, having sensed my worry. "Even if it is not the one I made."

"I wish it was different." If I chose the other side... it wasn't like we wouldn't ever be together. We would still have Earth, after all...

I suppose it didn't matter. I can't imagine Lucifer could say anything to convince me of his side over God's! The line between good and bad seemed blurred, tipping the scales was huge responsibility and though my instinct was to go with God, I could not rush the decision. 

"And I." He admitted, almost shyly. "But we must look to the positives! I have spent so many lonely years missing your mother, and longing to meet you. And here we are."

"I know she misses you too." I spoke gently. "You could go see her."

"Perhaps I will... Perhaps." He mumbled to himself. 

I wanted to stay longer with Acacius, but he was not lying when he said we would have an eternity together; today I had limited time for goodbyes, and there was a friend here, who I needed to see. 

As always, he was easy to find. That mop of mousey-brown hair was so familiar to me now, though we had spent all this time apart. There he was, emerging from the mouth of the caves in which I had found the sword, staring intently at a sparkly rock he held in his hand. 

"Liam!" I called, as I approached. He looked up instantly, his expression suggesting he was surprised to see me. He froze for a second, before stumbling towards me.

"Emilia! You... you're alive!" He gasped, before throwing his arms around me tightly. I hugged him back gently, careful not to crush him. "You're here!"

"Only a short visit, I'm afraid." Another goodbye, but I couldn't seem to resist. 

"Still! It all worked out, then?" He asked, concerned. 

"It did." I reassured him. "I'm safe now. I probably shouldn't have come back here but... I have to make a big decision soon. I guess I just wanted some sense of normality for a little while."

"To be human again for a little while?" He guessed. "Do you miss it?"

"Sometimes." I sighed. "Life was a lot less complicated before all of this. And yet... I don't feel so alone anymore. But yes, I certainly miss how easy it all was."

"Will you come visit?" He asked. 

"I will." I promised him. "Once things have calmed down up there,  I'll be visiting constantly, I'm sure."

He laughed. "You better!"

The sun was beginning to set in the distance, and right on time I saw a dark figure emerging - Lucifer. Come to collect me. 

"Goodbye Liam." I sighed, how had it come to an end so quickly? "Promise me you'll stay safe?"

"I'll do my best." He frowned, adjusting his backpack as he prepared to leave. "Bye, Emilia."

"He's here." I heard Noah say, as he quickly walked towards me, just as Liam was leaving. He had been keeping close by, just in case. 

He took my hand in his, and squeezed it tightly to reassure me. "Let's go."

"Noah..." I frowned. He tried to walk forwards, but I pulled him to a stop. "I should have clarified before but... I think this is something I need to do on my own."

"Oh." He looked down at the ground. "I see."

"I'm sorry..." I apologised. "We'll still see each other! It's just... this is such a big decision! I really need to experience Lucifer's side for myself."

"I understand." He smiled down at me reassuringly. "Just know that I'll always be here for you if you need me. No matter what."

I nodded, because of course I knew that! He had quickly become such an essential part of my life - I knew that I could trust him with it all. Whatever choice I ended up making, I knew he would be there on the other side to support me regardless. 

He leaned down, and softly kissed me. I felt that energy flow through him to me as it always did; and somehow it made me feel like I was strong enough to do this on my own. 

Closing my eyes, I savoured that moment for just a second or two longer, until I knew I had to leave.

I didn't look back as I went to Lucifer, I couldn't because if I did then I feared I would run back to him and never leave his side again. 

I had to look only to my future now, and the important decision ahead of me. 

Lucifer already had his stunning golden wings spread out wide by the time I reached him. I unfurled my own wings out from my back, and followed as he took off into the sky, not knowing quite where we were going. 

The world below us became smaller and smaller until I could no longer see Noah below us. I hated having to leave him, but truly he would be there for me whatever happened, I knew that. Nothing else seemed to matter as long as I was with him, and that was enough. 

That was enough. 



And that's it!!! Thank you so much everyone who has supported me in writing this, this is actually the first sequel I've ever finished!!!! 

...But it's not quite over yet! The final book of the series, Infernal, is now up on my profile!! The prologue is available now, I'm spending most of my time now editing Divinity so updated might take a while but I'm super excited to write Infernal (I think it's going to be my favourite!!) so I'm sure it won't be too long!! Link has been added :) The cover is the pic at the start!

Please let me know what you think of the book if you have a second!! It would really help me out in editing!

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Thank you!!!!

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