Tickets- 6

20 3 5

*No ones POV*
As Bakugo and the rest of 1-A compete in the Sports festival, they come to a problem. Bakugo had to go against Midoriya, and him being him-

didn't give two shits about it. He smirked competitively and nodded. His last words to Midoriya being, "Better give it your all damn deku. I'm still gonna kick your ass, even if you're my boyfriend or not." And Midoriya nodded, knowing well that his boyfriend wasn't going to spare him any pain. But, when Bakugo was informed that Midoriya was gonna be teamed with Todoroki, he didn't like the bi-colored kid. He was powerful, almost like Midoriya, and he's been talking to him a lot more than he liked. Bakugo was a possessive person, what was his was only his and no one else's. Todoroki has been trying to take Midoriya away from him, and not like Bakugo cared, but he had to act like he cared so he could keep the title, and be number 1.

Soon Bakugo places first place, not that he didn't want it. But it's just that Todoroki didn't go as hard as he could on him, but he went and used his full power on Midoriya. He thought it made him look weaker than that damn deku that Todoroki used his full power on but not on him. Todoroki placed second and Tokoyami placed 3rd. They had gotten tickets and medals for winning. That's where Bakugo gets stuck. He doesn't know what to do with his other ticket, he knows that he's going. But he doesn't know who else to bring.

He didn't wanna bring stupid deku but more than likely he'll be going with Todoroki or All Might. Dunce face is too stupid and would probably annoy him the whole time, alien bitch is the person he would kill in a moment if he got the chance and especially now that she's Kirishima's girlfriend, but the only person he could think of to bring would probably be Kirishima. Yeah.. that's what he'd do.

*Bakugo's POV*
I groan as I look at the other ticket, 'would he wanna go with me? After all this..?' I get up and open the door, going just next door and standing there. Hesitant to knock, 'what if he doesn't want to go with me?' Just as I was about to turn away, Kirishima opens the door. He looks up at me with confused eyes as he opens his mouth to speak. "Uhm.... hi..?" I start to nervously sweat as I didn't know what to say, "I- uhm. I w-wanted to uhm.." I fumble with the tickets as I drop one by accident, before I could bend down to grab it, kirishima grabs it first. He stands back up and looks at it before looking at me, "do you.. want me to go with you to I-expo?"

I nod slowly, ready for rejection on the offer before he smiles and nods, "yeah! I'll go. Imma tell Min-" "n-no, shitty hair it's only gonna be us." He looks at me, a small frown sent upon his face before giving the ticket back, "b-bakugo.. I don't think that's the best idea. With all that's happened and stuff, I don't think I should-" "please..?" I don't really know what to do, I don't understand this feeling. I don't like feeling this damn vulnerable and open. I hate feeling this weak. "Yeah... I-I'll go." I look up, searching for signs to see if he was forced or something. But he just smiles and let's out a chuckle, "whatchya looking for bro? You asked me didn't you?" I nod and smile a bit, "yeah I guess.. thanks kiri." He nods, "hey so... I uhm- I was gonna have a date today with Mina but she said something came up and she couldn't make it tonight, so uhm... c-could you come with me to the restaurant..?" I smirk a bit, "are you asking me out shitty hair?"

"I-I MEANT IT SO THE R-Reservation doesn't g-go to waste!" He flushes bright red as I let out a soft chuckle and smile, a soft blush on my face. "Yeah, I'll go. What time?" He smiles in relief, "I'll pick you up at 7:30 tonight! It's a fancy-ish place. I'll be paying for everything so please don't worry about the bill." I tilt my head a bit, "Whaddya mean? I'm paying shitty hair." He shakes his head and flails his arms in the air in an 'x' as he says quickly, "no no no! I'll pay! I'm taking you out!" He laughs softly and I nod, "at least let me pay for the drinks!" He nods, "alright, fair."

We smile at each other one last time before saying our byes and leaving back into our dorms. I see him close his door and I rush inside, letting a big smile grow on my face as I rush to my closet. 'He asked me to a date!! AHAH FUCKING TAKE THAT ALIEN BITCH!' I smirk and let out a chuckle as I realize that I'm gonna take advantage of this moment. I look in my closet and throw out a suit, groaning as I realize that I have to wear a damn tie. "Fuck-" I look at my phone as I debate on calling Jirou about this and I huff, 'might as well look good.' I smirk, 'so good he might ask me to go on another date.' I call as she picks up after 2 rings, "hey blasty, what's up?" I roll my eyes at the name, "I need help on picking a suit. Shitty hair asked me out on a date and I seriously need help with this. Could you come over and help?"

"Awh you seriously do?" I just then realize the voice was a bit lower than Jirou's, causing me to look at the phone and realized I called Kirishima instead of said person.  I groan in embarrassment and hear shitty hair chuckle in amusement on the other side of the line, "sorry wrong person, I'll uhm.. I'll meet you later shitty hair." And I hung up before I could hear his answer. I then called actual Jirou and she came over minutes later, helping me pick out a good suit and helped with my tie. "You seriously don't know how to do ties bakugo?" I huff, looking away. "It's not like I wear them anyway! Ties are stupid." She giggles, "yeah yeah, if you considered that they're a part of the uniform it wouldn't be this hard for you to do since you are supposed to do it on the daily."

She finishes tying my tie and then she steps back, smiling at her work. "Looks good!! Go check it out bakugo!" She gestured me to the mirror as I look at it, I have to admit. She made me look sharp. I look fucking good. I smirk and turn around, "thanks earphones." She nods, "yeah whatever. Now go do your other stuff and make sure you look good." I nod and go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face as I fix my hair. "Should I put on cologne??" She shakes her head, "he loves your caramel smell dude. Haven't you found that out yet?" I shake my head as I lean back to look at her from the restroom door, "really? When did he say that?" She laughs, "when he wears your hoodies and talks about you and how hot you look in the locker room, quote quote- "with his shirt off and those abs and sexy muscles". Tell me how you haven't noticed him stare at you even when your lockers are RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER!"

I blush darkly, "D-did he really say those things or are you fucking with me?" She nods, "he did!! He literally told us that!" I blush darker and shrug "I-I'm not sure. Whatever let me finish earphone jack!" She hums as I finish up before walking out only minutes later. "Is this good?" She nods and smiles in approval. "Looking good bakugo. I'm gonna leave now, but you better tell me what happens." "Why?" "Because I helped you get ready ya dumbass." I huff with a roll of my eyes, "yeah okay. Get outta here nerd, he'll be here any minute now." She walks out and closes the door. I sigh as I start to get slightly nervous, 'what if he doesn't like this outfit? What if he doesn't see this as any more than not letting the reservation go to waste? What if he's doing this to get back at me from before..?'

I was broken out of my thoughts as a knock came upon my door. I open it to see a god damn sexy god. Kirishima turns his head and locks eyes with me, and I swear I almost gay panic fainted right then and there. I grip the door a bit as I grab my wallet from the side, "you ready?" He says and smiles softly. "Yeah, let's go shitty hair." He nods and steps aside to let me through. He blushes softly as he looks me up and down, "Whaddya starin at Shitty hair?" He smirks, "you. You look great in that suit." I nod as a blush burns my cheeks, a slight smirk growing on my face. "So do you eiji." He blushes at the nickname as I continue walking out the doors of the dorms.

As we walked out, I thought about talking about the plans for the I-Expo trip. Then as I started thinking more about it, I felt something wrap around my hand, I look up at kirishima and down at our hands and fluster a bit, looking away as he averted his gaze to the shops around us. I smile softly and intertwine our fingers a bit.

'I need to make a move tonight.. and it needs to be good.'

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