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We watched as Makeda wolfed down the butter biscuits and tinned mushroom stew, the bandages Fyn and I had wrapped around her shoulder doing nothing to slow her down

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We watched as Makeda wolfed down the butter biscuits and tinned mushroom stew, the bandages Fyn and I had wrapped around her shoulder doing nothing to slow her down.

"You said you're from where again?" Pelias sniffed.

"Vilova," she said with a South Augustian accent, barely looking up from her meal.

"And what were you doing out there by yourself, Makeda?" Ele asked.

"The same as you, I assume. Going to the Masquerade. With the North Eurusian delegation, of course," she said as she slurped the last of the stew straight out of the can.

"And they just left you?" Fyn asked, incredulous.

It was not that her story didn't add up, and she didn't give off any weird vibes. But I don't blame Fyn for being cynical. I'd be suspicious of anybody I met in the White King's woods.

Her dark eyes scanned ours. "They thought I was dead."

"It's barely a day into the journey, though," I pushed.

"Yes and a day can feel like a lot longer when you've been attacked by ghouls and fallen down a ravine, only to drag yourself right into a pack of rock imps and then an interrogation."

Her shoulders dropped suddenly, and she exhaled a breath. "I'm sorry, I know I've been a huge inconvenience. This just wasn't how I saw the Expedition going for me."

I chewed my cheek. "Forget it. You're alive, that's what matters."

We sat in an awkward silence for a while, unsure of what to do now that she'd finished her meal. I looked around at the others, and they nodded.

"Well, Makeda, it seems you've become a part of the Eastern Delegation."

She smiled brightly, her bruised skin glowing.

"We've lost a few hours. We need to get moving," Aester grunted, standing up.

The raven fluttered onto her shoulder, large wings tucked into its sides.

"Hear that, Crow, we've been adopted," she beamed at the bird, wincing as it cawed excitedly and River laughed.


This time, when we left the forest we rode into lush green fields.

"Show off," I could hear Ciel scoff as we thundered over the grass.

Fyn and Makeda were sharing a horse, as she was the smallest, and I'm pretty sure Makeda would soon know Fyn's entire life story.

I looked over her. She was average height, her back ramrod straight on the horse. Odelyn had helped her rebraid her hair so now it hung like a thick black fishtail down her back. Crow circled above us, cawing periodically.

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