Forbidden Secrets

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The year was going by relatively quickly and as exams were approaching Draco spent most of his time studying. Well, they were ten weeks away but he wanted to make sure he got the best grades for his father. He was doing alright, still behind Hermione of course. Ever since that night on the third floor, Draco had become particularly interested in Defense Against the Dark arts. He had been studying Quirrell ever since. He hadn't told the other's what he heard that night just in case it never really happened.

In the later weeks the Golden Trio, as Theo liked to call them, seemed to have nothing interesting going on so Draco was starting to think they had just decided to stop being obnoxious until one day right before Herbology.

Draco was walking next to Blaise who was talking to Pansy about today's lesson, Dried Nettles, when he started to hear the bickering of none other than Ronald Weasley.

"Hermione, how many times in our lives are we going to see a dragon hatching?" The red-haired git said. Dragon? Well, now Draco couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"We've got lessons, we'll get in trouble, and that's nothing to what Hagrid's going to be in when someone finds out what he's doing," Hermione said as she struggled a bit with all the books she was holding. Draco tried to move a bit closer to hear more of what was being said until Potter seemed to notice.

"Shut up!" Harry quietly snapped. Draco quickly turned his attention back to Blaise and Pansy as he felt the eyes of the trio land on him. He couldn't help but smirk and figured Harry was picking up on the sly expression Draco had on his face.

During Herbology they didn't seem to bring up the conversation again but hearing Hermione and Ron bicker all class was getting annoying. He didn't understand how someone so intelligent could waste so much time and effort into someone some brainless and dimwitted. Blaise and Pansy eventually got annoyed that Draco wasn't paying enough attention to the lesson and more on what they were bickering about.

When class ended Draco noticed the three of them sprint out and run in the direction of the Oaf's hut. His curiosity took over and he decided to follow them. "I'll meet you back in the common room!" Draco called leaving Blaise and Pansy to roll their eyes and walk away.

Draco ran down the grounds and hid behind a tree just as Hagrid opened the door and the trio hurried inside. He sneakily made his way around the back of the hut looking for a way to see inside. Draco eventually spotted a window he could climb up to and figured this would be his best option.

As he peered inside through the crack in the curtains, he saw all of them crowded around an egg that was smoking on the table. Regardless of his intentions at first, he was interested. Dragon's used to be a fascination of his, after finding out that was what his name meant in Latin.

The egg began to crack and alas it hatched. Now sat directly on the table was a baby Dragon. Draco noticed that it was a Norwegian Ridgeback, he could tell from the black ridges on it's back. He watched as the Dragon sneezed and gold sparks flew out of its snout. Draco couldn't help but smile, it was beautiful. He was so invested, he barely noticed that Hagrid had just looked up at him.

Draco's heart stopped and he immediately started sprinting towards the castle. He contemplated ducking behind a tree but it was already too late, Harry had seen him.

Draco spent weeks thinking of what to do with this information. He decided it would be another thing he hid from the other's because he could tell they were getting slightly annoyed with how invested he was getting with the trio.

One afternoon while Draco was in the common room writing his History Magic essay about Emeric the Evil, Theo ran in.

"Draco!" Theo yelled running up to him and taking the seat in front of him. "Theo, I need to focus on this so if this has something to do with your rat can we talk about it another time?" Draco said not looking up and continuing to write.

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