The Hogwarts Express

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    The night before Draco was to leave for Hogwarts, the Malfoy's had a family dinner.  This was extremely rare considering they could hardly be in the same room together without awkward silences or interruptions.  When Draco entered the dining room he took a seat in his usual spot at the center of the table, his mother and father were already sitting at the opposite ends. No one spoke as Dobby placed their meals in front of them.  The minute he left, Lucius cleared his throat and began to speak.

   "Draco, I will accompany you to King's Cross tomorrow." Lucius coldly said and then proceeded to take a bite of his shepherd's pie.  

"But, Father I thought you hated trains,"  Draco had heard his father complain countless times that the transportation to Hogwarts was completely outrageous in the sense that they were a muggle invention. Draco mostly questioned that If a muggle invented it, was it safe?

   "It is disgraceful to our kind to use that type of transportation," Lucius spat as he scrunched his face.  Draco nodded in agreement and took a bite of his food.  He glanced over at his mother who was mindlessly staring at her plate clearly distant from the conversation. Lucius paid no mind to Narcissa and continued, "Regardless of the train, I will still be accompanying you as I plan on meeting Crabbe and Goyle to see if we can catch a glimpse of the Potter boy."

   It went silent after that.  No one spoke and Lucius seemed to continue his glare at Narcissa like her silence was starting to annoy him.  Lucius let out a cough before he spoke once more.  "This man at the ministry has been giving me a headache, Arthur Weasley.  You remember him Narcissa?" Lucius eyed her so intensely it made Draco uncomfortable.  It felt like he was trying to read her mind.

   Narcissa looked up, her cheeks wet like she had been crying.  "Yes, the muggle lover with the many children." Her voice was quiet and horse.  Draco looked at her and frowned, he wanted to know what was bothering her. 

 "Yes, more children then he and his tubby wife can afford definitely," A menacing smirk appeared on Lucius's face, "One of the last children of his red-haired band of a family is going to Hogwarts this year." Lucius diverted his attention to Draco,  "Blood traitors the lot of them."   Narcissa let out a small cough that made Lucius stop talking.  

"Well go on Narcissa," Lucius leaned forward in his chair, "Speak your mind."

   Narcissa put her fork down and immediately looked over at Draco, "Oh, I'll miss you so much Draco! I can't believe you are 11 already!" She said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.  Draco gave a weak smile.  He and his mother had always been close, he was most definitely going to miss her as well. She had always supported him and wanted the best for him, but his father always seemed to try and take that away.  Though regardless of that, his mother was the only person he could say he loved.

  Love had always been such a funny word for Draco.  He had read some love stories out of pure boredom to see how they would make him feel, but he had found them dull and repetitive. As he looked at his mother and father, they looked the least bit in love. He couldn't see himself doing that with anyone, it seemed unhealthy.

   "I should remind you of your promise to me," Lucius spoke as Narcissa seemed to finish crying. How could he forget, it had been on his mind ever since he started packing for school. "Yes, Father." Draco made sure to look directly at Lucius when he spoke, he didn't want to get in trouble for nodding again. 

 "Also you are to write every week..and let me know how many muggle-borns there are, I'm always curious," Lucius smirked and then snapped his fingers so Dobby could come and clean the table.  

"Yes, Father,"  Draco said this so mindlessly it didn't even feel like he thought about it anymore. 

 "You may go.  Dobby will wake you in the morning." Lucius declared as he waved Draco off and started to get up from his chair. 

Draco Malfoy and The Broken PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now