🎹The Kiss🎹

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Kaede's pov

I turned facing Monokuma's direction
"Hey, umm...... Monokuma could, me and (y/n) meet in private, in the music room, I would like to see her one last time." I said, in a calm voice.

Your pov

After she finished, Monokuma was a bit sceptical but after a while with an annoyed voice, he said ok but we had to be quick. Me and the tall, blonde girl headed to the music room.

Kaede's pov

We sat on the chairs where we first catched feelings for each other. I started talking in a soft voice and tears gliding on my cheeks. "(Y/N) fate brought us together. You are my soulmate and no one will change that. I will miss you and your beautiful singing."

Your pov

She then came closer to me. Our lips were only a few inches far from each other. "I love you" she whispered. "I lo-" I couldn't finish my sentence and her soft lips closed the gap between us. She then stopped and I finally finished my sentence"I love you too". The fact that I cheated on my "soulmate" and the fact my SOULMATE is going to die.

Kaede's pov

It was time. I was going to die. My precious (y/n). I won't see her again.... So I guess this is what despair feels like. Wow. What a...... Terrible feeling. I hate it. I hate it so much. I HATE IT. I just want to live. I want to live a happy life beside my belov-

Your pov

That was it.

The end.

Kaede is no longer in this world.

I couldn't protect her.

I fell on my knees.

Everyone left the room she died

And then.........

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Nieh cliffhanger🙃🙃🙃and yes I am indeed alive.

"SOULMATES" {A (not only) Kaede x reader fanfiction} Where stories live. Discover now