My BabyBoy: Fat Man

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Smiley, my boyfriend.. He's gotten into an ass load of trouble. Now he's in a teen program and won't be coming home until after the New Years. This really sucks. What am I gonna do without him.

I'm 25 weeks and we are now expecting a baby boy. Oh my goodness I am completely happy about having my little Fat Man here.

I was sitting in the living room rubbing my stomach when I was thinking about baby names, mostly Hispanic names.
My mom said "Fillipâ Ray Lopêz" , mom no, it's my choice about the babies name.

Ugh it's so hard thinking about a PERFECT name for my baby boy. It has to be perfect because he's made my life heaven and he's not even here yet. Also I use to get in a lot of trouble, I use to smoke, drink, party, fight. Yea I was one bad girl. But now this baby has brought my family together and I'm not doing bad things anymore and I see a whole new side of my beautiful life.

I wait for Smiley to call from the program office's phone, so we can talk about what's gonna happen after he gets out and that he's not going to get into trouble anymore for the babies sake.

I waited and waited ,but no call and it's 9:30pm. I fell to sleep because I have an early doctors appointment in the morning for my 26th week check up, to see if everything's okay with the baby.
Its now 10:45pm and I here the phone ringing and immediately get up, I answer the phone and I here Smiley's beautiful voice say hey baby, I miss you and our little fat man so much, I start crying; wishing in my head that he was here now with me. I here one of the guards yell "times up bud" he says I love you and I say I love you back and we hang up.
Wow, This is all in the amount time of 30 seconds a phone call.

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