Chapter 7: Preparations

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Over the course of the next three days, the three teams prepared. Each group got items they needed or thought would be useful, and they each got some training done. Some of them focused on techniques they were rusty at, some tried something new, and others focused on what they were already good at. They didn't do too much training, though, as they didn't want to tire themselves out or get sore.

Tommy went to his friends, Deo, Tubbo, and Bitzel, and explained that he was just called on an urgent mission by the king. He got the items the teams would need from the three, seeing as the items he wanted weren't exactly legal and they were his best connections to what he needed. The three wished him good luck and told him to be careful, reminding him of some of the boundaries a few of the items he got. He assured them that he would be alright and that he knew how to use them, and with that, he said goodbye to the three.

Philza went out to get the legal items they needed. Wilbur gathered all the pets from all the teams and went to their friend Hannah's house. Hannah was happy to take them in and care for them, as well as find out more of the team's secrets considering her unique was being able to understand animals. Techno mainly trained, practicing a few new combat techniques he had learned recently. Skeppy, Dream, and A6D met him at their sparring area a couple of times, the four sparring until they felt it was enough for the day. Bad had taken George and Sapnap out to their archery spot where he helped them with their aim and power. He also tested a new bow he had recently got, making sure to adjust himself to it before they left, as well as a new set of throwing knives.

On the afternoon of the third day, all three teams met up at the Elite Team's mansion, just like they had planned. They all brought bags full of supplies they'd need. Bad, Dream, and Philza all had several maps, each of different areas and on different scales so they could figure out where to go first. After some planning, they figured out the towns they would travel through and where their first major spot would be for getting information. It would take a few days to get there by carriage, and since they didn't need to do any more preparing, they decided to go through with their original plan of leaving first thing in the morning.

That night, the three teams stayed at the mansion. It would be easier to get everyone up and ready if they were all in the same house, and there were enough spare rooms for all of them to stay. A couple of them had to share a room, but they didn't mind. Before they went off to sleep, though, they all sat in the living room, talking and joking around. The three teams didn't often get together and talk, so it was nice. It was nice to act like nothing was wrong in the world, even if it was just for a night. Even if they all knew the next few weeks were going to be hard and dangerous. Even if they didn't know what the outcome of this whole situation would be.

A few hours after dinner, they decided to go to sleep early in order to wake up earlier. They all went to bed after quick goodnights, going to their rooms and one by one falling asleep.

Techno, however, couldn't sleep. Just like he couldn't sleep the past few nights. He laid restless until he finally gave up and got out of bed. He quietly made his way to the balcony, stepping forward and leaning on the railing as he stared up at the night sky.

The black sky was filled with bright, twinkling white dots. The moon was bright, lighting up his face as he stared up at it. His expression was calm, but his mind was racing. His thoughts were clouded with anxiety, worry, concern, and panic. That's why he was out here, in order to try to calm his thoughts at least a little. Even though he knew it probably wouldn't.

He heard footsteps behind him. They paused a few feet away, before continuing forward until a figure stood next to him. He glanced over, instantly recognizing the smaller boy. He had black hair that faded to blue and the warmth of his tan skin was difficult to see in the moonlight. After a moment of silence, the boy spoke up.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Skeppy asked, his voice gentle with concern as he glanced over at the taller. They made eye contact for a moment, before Techno looked down at the ground below them.

"Do I really have a choice?" He asked, his deep, usually monotone voice sounding almost defeated. Skeppy looked away, not responding. After a few moments of silence, Skeppy sighed and gently grabbed the taller's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Just don't push yourself too hard, alright?" Skeppy asked gently. Techno gave him an unsure glance before looking back up at the sky. The two stood there for a bit longer, neither keeping track of time. Skeppy was the one to finally break the silence.

"C'mon, Techno. We should probably go to sleep now, it's late enough," Skeppy said softly. Techno glanced over and nodded, the two walking quietly back into the house. Techno and Skeppy said goodnight before Techno split off into his room, Skeppy continuing through the hall and down the stairs. Techno got into bed and tried to relax, his lack of sleep over the past few nights finally hitting him as he slowly drifted off to sleep. 


Sorry for not updating the oneshot book in a while, I'll try to get a new oneshot out whenever I can. I plan to stay consistent with new chapters for this book, though, so don't worry :)

Also sorry for inconsistent chapter lengths lmao, I don't really keep track of it. I just keep on writing until I feel like its time to move on to the next chapter. 

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