Do you love Me?

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You where just a lowly stormtrooper, trained to be loyal and die for the first order, yet you had a relationship with the most powerful General in the order, Armitage Hux.

Everytime you where with your thoughts you thoughts ran away about you and him. "you don't deserve him." that niggling voice said "he deserves better, you are low in every way, rank, looks and smarts." you lie face down on your bed. 'I'm disposable, so why should I be in a relationship with a General, he deserves better' you say sadly.

You hear the door open and felt a weight on your bed.

'Hey love' the voice said 'I didn't see you at dinner'

You turn to see Hux, sitting on your bed with a worried face.

'Armitage, I think we should break up' you ask suddenly. Hux looked shocked as you carried on 'you deserve more than me, I'm a lowly disposable stormtrooper. I don't deserve you' you say, tears in your eyes.

Hux quickly took you in his arms 'not to me.' he said firmly 'you are so much more than just that, you are an incredible person and not disposable in anyway'

'You really mean it?' you ask, sniffing

'(y/n) I wouldn't say it if it was not true, I'm not one to flatter. Now stop this nonsense' Hux said

'Thank you' your say, hugging him back and kissing him gently.

'now come on, I'm hungry' he said, pulling you out of bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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