December's Hero

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~ The story takes place in December of 2039, one year after a successful revolution. 

(y/n) = Your name

(h/c) = Your hair color

(e/c) = Your eye color

(f/h/d) = Your favorite hot drink


You're running... You're bolting with all of your energy while the snowy air nips at your cheeks, nose, and ears. The frigid void has no remorse as it stings your lungs with every inhale, or forces your frightful tears to 'burn' your (e/c) eyes. The beautiful (h/c) of your hair glistens from the moonlight, and the specks of fluffy ice that decide to make bed. Why did you choose to walk home instead of taking a taxi?

The more you run, the less you seem to recognize your surroundings. Somehow you have manage to reach a bridge: the Rouge River Bridge. How the hell did you end up heading so far southeast? You can't completely remember every twist and turn you took to run for your life. The last place you can recall is the Riverside Park, but after that everything became unfamiliar.

Husky voices shout at you from behind as you begin to slow. You can't keep going. Every muscle in your body feels drained and numbed from both the cold and the amount of energy that has been exerted. Quick glances tell you that there will be no one to rescue you from whatever is about to happen. Not a soul is nearby. All you can manage to do is to turn around and anchor your feet to the ground. The lower portion of your back is now firmly pressed against the bridge's railing, and each hand firmly grabs a hold.

Two men approach and space themselves evenly to surround you. You don't know why they started chasing you or what they want, but you can surely guess that it isn't good. Chances are that no matter their intentions, you won't be allowed to live.

Your mind races to think on what your options are, and after only a few brief moments you had to decide. A risky choice is made, but why would it matter if your chances of living are basically zero if you choose to stay put?

Eyes close before the men lunge towards you with aggression, but you allow yourself to tumble backwards. They couldn't get to you in time, and now you're falling towards the glacial liquid that could easily take your life. Your arms and legs obscure the scene of the men staring towards you with confusion and anger. Even though the drop is quite short, your mind decides to slow the descent. Which makes it seem like too long of a fall. The expectation of hitting the water causes your body to tense and your lungs to hold your breath.


The centripetal force thrusted upon your backside nearly knocks the air out of your chest, but you manage to kick yourself to the surface. The freezing weather and ice cold water immediately forces your body to start shutting down. Shivers are the first of the symptoms to appear, and you try to swim to the river's edge with what little energy you somehow still have.

Upon the nearby street, you can see a figure running down to the shoreline. It doesn't look like either of the men that were chasing you, but how could you be completely sure? You're breathing is irregular, your eyesight is starting to blur, and the freezing temperatures make it impossible to think straight. Every ounce of energy has been ravished to the last drop, and you start to give up. It seems so much easier, does it not?

You're pretty sure that you blacked out, but you remember glimpses here and there. Someone swam after you. The feeling of arms grabbing a hold of you is still fresh in your mind. The idea that everything is just a dream continues, but it feels so real. There's a voice, a frightened man that seems to care about your well-being. You hear him yelling, shouting at you even after he drags you ashore.

DBH: December's Hero (ConnorxFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now