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SOME PEOPLE WOULD CALL IT daddy issues, but some people aren't always right

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daddy issues, but some people aren't always right. Lexie didn't think it was daddy issues, Lexie just thought her dad cared about his job more than her so when he asked her and Jack to come to his office she was confused.

She'd never been to his office and never wanted to but he insisted they did. Lexie fiddled with the sleeves on her dress as the thought of, walking into a room full of people who's eyes will most definitely turn to her after she walks in, filled her mind.

Her and Jack stepped into the elevator and he pressed the number six just like he'd remembered from the few times he'd been to their fathers office and stepped back to stand next to his sister.

Jack pulled his sisters hands away from ruining her dress and held on of them in his hand as he smiled up at her.

"They're good people, they don't stare either" Jack said which made Lexie sigh and calm down a lot.

The elevator dinged and the two Hotchner kids stepped out of it as other people stepped in. You could see the office through the glass doors and it was basically empty apart from maybe 5 people.

Jack pulled one door handle with both hands using all his strength, Lexie laughed at her little brothers attempts and helped his open it and followed him to her father office. They walked up the small set of stairs and Jack knocked on the door earning a 'come in' from the person inside.

"Hi guys" Their father smiled as Jack opened the door and the two siblings walked in.

"Hi daddy" Jack smiled as he rushed to hug his dad as he got out of his seat slowly.

"Hi buddy" He smiled picking him up and walking over to his daughter. He put an arm around her shoulder and kissed her head
"It's good to see you"

"Yeah you too" She smiled, it was a half genuine smile and half put on, she just wanted to know what her dad wanted and to hopefully get the hell out of the building.

"Lex i can see you wondering why you're here and, oh!" Hotch exclaimed slightly "There's your answer"

Hotch gestured over to a group of six people walking towards desks and pulling their bangs under them while pulling their chairs out to sit down.

"You brought me here to meet your team?" Lexie asked with an unamused look.

"Yes. Yes i did" He replies pushing his daughter out the office and closing the door while placing Jack back on the ground as he ran towards the desks.

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