The Mystery Of The Great Animal And The Guests

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"Beautiful, simply beautiful. Soon Katsuki will be married and the kingdom will have a king again." Queen Mitsuki says, looking at Aizawa.

"I doubt it. Katsuki still refuses to be king unless he finds (Y/N). He loves her. His feelings haven't changed."

"Oh poppycock! All that will change at tomorrow night's ball. I know my son. It won't be hard for him to find another girl to love."

Before Aizawa could respond Mineta ran in, two guards behind him, carrying two bags full of letters, "They're all coming to the ball! Every princess is coming!" He says with a smile, before drool went down the corner of his mouth. "So many pretty some will be extremely hot!" He says, causing Mitsuki to sigh and slap him on his head, "You need to stop that before someone charges you with sexual harassment."

"Now let's see those letters!" The guards dumped the letters out onto Mineta. Mitsuki upon seeing the letters sequel, "Oh goody, oh my. Oh, this is wonderful! You see, Aizawa. One of these is bound to change his mind."

"Oh absolutely... not."

Mitsuki rolls her eyes before looking at Mineta, "Do not lose one."

"Oh, no, no, no no. I won't lose own queen of hotness!" He says, making the guards help him put the letters back into the bag.

"Where is Katsuki? Oh never mind I know where he is, working on the mystery of the Fat Animal."

"The Great Animal, Your Highness." Aizawa corrects.

"Well, it's fucking Big, Great. It's large and has fur.

Aizawa sighs as he is forced to help Mitsuki plan the ball while in the library Katsuki was reading through book after book.

"Listen to me, Katsuki. It's not what it seems." The voice of Enji echoed in his head. Each book he read it seemed he was getting farther from the answer. He climbed a latter and grabbed another book, opening it and starts to read it.

"What did King Enji mean?" He questioned, looking at the page something seemed to click in his, "It's not what it seems, of course! It's not what it seems! Now I'll find you, (Y/N)." He ripped the page out before grabbing another book that was already opened on a certain page and ripped it out. He tried to leave the library, but was stopped by his mother as she ran in.

"They're coming, Katsuki. Oh! Katsuki, where are you going?" She asked as her son tried to get by her.

"To find the Great Animal."

"Oh, wonderful. Just make sure you're here tomorrow night, you brat."

"Tomorrow night?"

"Uh. The ball."

"Old hag, I... I can't. Oh for fucks sake. Don't do the lip thing." Mitsuki started to pout, this causes Katsuki to groan in frustration, "If I leave now, maybe I can be back in time."

"Thank you, Katsuki." She says happily.

"But please, old hag, don't turn it into one of your beauty pageants."

"Oh, no no no no no. It's just a few friends..." Her son walked off while she whispered. And their daughters." She quickly turned around and went back to the room where the ball was begun planned. She opened the door and looked at Aizawa and Mineta, "I want this to be big. Every princess must have her own introduction."

"But you said..." Mineta started, before getting cut off by the queens

"Forget what I said. Now, send for the cooks and tell the band to start rehearsing! And I want four footmen for every carriage. Maybe five!" The queen was excited as she quickly changed things about the ball.

Katsuki stood outside of his castle waiting for the guests he had invited. Who were his guests? Simple. (Y/N)s half siblings and the knight that was in charge of protecting her. He held the papers in his hand. He planned to tell Kirishima first, but his friend had left earlier for a errand and wouldn't be back till later.

He soon heard the carriage. He crossed his arms as the carriage arrived. It parked and the door opened. Four boys left and one girl. The siblings Shoto, Toya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo stayed walked towards Katsuki and greeted him. Katsuki did the same and looked the green hair boy, Izuku. These two didn't get along the best, but they both cared for (Y/N) and Katsuki knew he would be helpful in finding the lost princess. Izuku only waved at Katsuki and Katsuki only nodded. The six of them went in and headed for the library.

They sat at a table and started to talk to one another. Katsuki told them his theory, while the other four slightly doubted this, they wanted to have hope.

"So Kacchan, if you are right about this. What is the plan? We can't just go and attack it without a strategy."

"I know that you damn nerd, but I am still not even sure where to even start looking. Once shitty hair comes back we will discuss a plan."

"Ok Kacchan."

"This is gonna be fun." Toya says, messing with his red hair. (I make the hair red, but I will forever believe it is actually pink!) while Fuyumi looked worried, "I hope she is alright. We never got to see her often. Only every once in a while."

"It's that bastard Enji fault this happened." Natsuo says, crossing his arms, not happy about the situation, while Shoto stayed quiet. The five talked about where they would look first and be on the look out in case they did find the great animal. Katsuki sighed as he looked at the five. He felt relieved that they had listened, no one else in the castle would actually listen or believe him. Each person he talked to would either tell him she was gone and to give up or tell him if she was alive then the great animal would never give him.

It never made him lose hope however. It actually gave him more courage and motivation to find her, after all Katsuki never liked begin wrong. So it was time to prove to the extras that she was alive and that he could bring her back.

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