Chapter-04: First Sortie

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American Dorms 0730

Sodak: *Yawn* Huaah that was a great sleep i haven't experienced of those for a long while so how do you guys do on your morning routine?

Sodak asked her two recently awakened roommates as they were moving towards the dorms washrooms

Maryland: Uhm basically we just wake up and go to the washroom first to start the day *Stretch*

West Virginia: Yeah after were done with the washrooms and wear our usual clothes we go to the mess hall for some breakfast after that if we have to sortie we'll get going or if not we just go to the training grounds so that Arkansas gives us something to do or we could hang out anywhere in the base to be honest.

Maryland: Speaking of which Buckin Bronco is suppose to arrive tomorrow right weevee?

West Virginia: Yeah Colorado is set to arrive tomorrow oooh this will be a good surprise for her since she's not expecting you to be on base *Glances at Sodak*

Sodak: Yeah you got that right, you know guys i'm kinda getting exited on being deployed, now that i'm with you guys.

Maryland: Yeah same here with me its been a couple weeks since our last deployment oh how we crush those stupid abyssals are just fun hahahaha!

West Virginia: Hah your antics never get old big sis she said with a smirk of amusement.

As the group made their way to the dorms washrooms to start their day they were met with the sight of battleship division one.

Maryland: Hey Tenn! Hey Cali! Mary shouted

West Virginia just waved at the sight of the other battleship division and their other division mates.

Sodak: Hey guys how's everyone doing you guys ready for today!?

Arizona: Yep me and Pennsy just finished were just chatting up with Tenn and Cali here.

Pennsylvania: Okie and Nevada are still inside the washrooms along with the others.

California: So Flagship when is buckin bronco gonna arrive?

West Virginia: She's supposed to arrive tomorrow so we'll just wait for her and her escorts to get here.

Soon the girls are making their way to the mess hall to have breakfast and as soon enough the girls were eating breakfast by 0930 the Japanese ship girls all but left, already finished their breakfast while the Americans still eat away finishing at 1030 hours completely and one thing to note of ship girls is that their incredible appetites the biggest ones known around where of Yamato and Akagi but nothing beats the Americans when it comes to their Godlike appetite for food especially the battleships.

Soon the standards are making their way to the battleship training range suddenly the base's PA system came to life with an announcement.

PA system: This is Admiral Roberts USN Battleship division one and two and Cruiser Division 10 as well as Desron 21 and Carrier division 3 please report to fleet ready room immediately for emergency sortie that is all.


Fleet ready room

West Virginia: So admiral any idea why two battleship divisions and a cruiser division and a Carrier division and a Desron is here?

Arizona: Is there something wrong admiral why is there suddenly a emergency sortie?

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