Chapter-07: A new Allied Fleet

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Fleet Training Grounds

Utah: Alright Ladies keep up the formation do not be sloppy, Anson! is that all you got? that's quite sloppy for a Battlecruiser come on you can do better, i have to say South your friends are a Rambunctious bunch are they.

Sodak: Well we were kinda special division so its kinda expected so. Ms. Utah how long have you been teaching the younger battleships of the US Navy?

Utah: Longer than you could remember she answered with a smile.

As the two continued to guide and instruct the new ships on fleet formations and and springing up targets at random to check the reaction time for each girls, as soon the course is finished the five newly stationed ship girls got up to Sodak and Utah, Monty was first to speak.

Monty: Wow Big sis and Grandma Utah this courses are hard can we just lay back a bit?

As she say those words Indy slammed her fist on to Monty's head due to annoyance.

Indy: I've had enough of your cheeky complaints little sister, can you act more professional here its like your a little kid!

Utah: Oh dear you shouldn't complain like that because you all needed it out there in the Open ocean is an enemy not forgiving as me or as easy as this it'll be much more harder than you expected she finished giving Monty a Scary glare.

Monty: O~On second thought never mind then madam. 

Utah: Good now that's the basics done the rest of you can join the usual battleship class *Points at the purposely built Naval Teaching Center for ship girls building* Our room is on the First floor besides the Carriers, our classes start at 0800 hours from Monday, Wednesday and Friday while the other days are for Training Exercises or rest since tomorrow would be Thursday you'll have a free schedule for battlecruisers don't have a official room since both the Japanese doesn't have any Battlecruisers so you two will just room in with us.

Incomparable: I see well then is that all Ms. Utah?

Utah: Yes for now you all have the rest of the day i gotta look for Mikasa to do some of the formations and tactics were gonna sear into your brains on friday she say as she gave a somewhat creepy smile that gave the six ship girls a chill to their spines.

Sodak: I see very well then see you later Ms. Utah

Utah: See you later ladies

Soon the six were on their way to Mamiya's cafe to get some snacks so they wouldn't be hungry for the time being with the three South Dakota Dreadnought Battleships ordering the Large Parfaits while the three British ship girls sat outside drinking Tea casually and eating some crumpets while at it Kongou joined in as seen Kongou was partly British at hearth considering she was built by Vickers in England so she would take any chance to be with the three British ship girls especially during Tea time and the three would be more than happy to keep the energized Japanese fast battleship as a company.

Time skip (cuz im a bit lazy today)

Soon the Girls were just finishing their dinner with South and her sister now residing within the confinements of their rooms with the three British on the halls of the Dorm conversing with the other Americans while Incomparable was chatting up with Lexington on how it feels like a proper Battlecruisers while Anson is chatting up with Carrier Division three that is made up of their new Division mates Philippine Sea, Leyte, and Bunker Hill while Agincourt is having a good time with the Fast Battleships which was South Dakota and Washington and Missouri with the three fast Battleships stationed in the Yokosuka fleet talking which is a better caliber for main battery weapons to almost Arguing that her 457mm guns were better at certain aspects while Mo just counters it with facts from her more modern Mk-7 406mm guns.

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