Chapter-08: Who are you?

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Tokyo Bay 0650 hours

Yorck: Hey Sach know where we are?

Sach: How should i know for all i know were somewhere in the pacific.

Yorck: This mood is so tense can we lighten it a bit for us?

Sach: Hmm? ah i know hey Kapitan can you play it? she asked her fairy captain who made a quick and stubby salute to her.

(The song began playing and the two German ship girls couldn't help but sing the lyrics of the said song "Unsere Marine" the two French Ship girls couldn't help but notice it and they also soon played they're own song from their country's navy "August 31st" an hour of sailing within the bay they soon encountered a small abyssal fleet)

Yorck: Looks like our path to the mainland is blocked.

Lyon: You are not wrong there Camarade [Comrade]

Tourville: By the looks of it they aren't friendly

Sach: Well i guess Target practice for us so everyone get ready!

Yorck: Ja, gnadige Frau! [Yes Ma'am!]

Lyon/Tourville: Oui m'dame! said the two in unison

(As the group tried to close their gap on mainland their path was blocked by a fleet of Abyssals the four ships went to battle stances and Sach immediate strategies and formulates the plan to crush their opposition)

Sach: Alright here's the plan Tourville and Yorck both you are gonna work together take out those presumably destroyers and Cruisers once finished re group with me and Lyon got that?

Tourville: Oui dessus! [Yes on it!]

Yorck: Naturlich drauf! [Of course on it!]

Sach: Lyon with me we're gonna crush that Battleship so what do you say?

Lyon: Chose sure. [Sure thing]

(As the four ship girls split into two the first to make contact was Tourville and Yorck in front of them are a group of Abyssal destroyers and cruisers with the destroyers first and the Heavy cruisers last)

Tourville: All Turrets load 340mm HE! she said with a grin

Tourville: Hey Bosch you have the Cruisers alright!

Yorck: Yeah yeah i'll take care of them, All Turrets load AP Shells! she said

Tourville: Feu! she said as her 340mm lets out a dangerous barrage of 16 shells.

(The 16 shell barrage for one of the destroyers as it immediately exploaded and sink with that she proceeded to start wiping out the destroyers in front of her with her 340mm HE shells all the while Yorck was busy fighting the abyssal cruisers)

Yorck: Offenes Feuer! [Open Fire!] she shouted as her 8 x 15-inch (38cm) guns howled sending a barrage of 15 inch shells to the poor abyssal cruisers

(She proceeded to do her original designed mission and that was to hunt cruisers the hunters now become the hunted by the trigger happy Battlecruiser.  The Situation with the Battleships are even more better with them gaining the advantage immediately against the lone battleship of the abyssals with its sinking hulk on the surface slowly sinking beneath the waves)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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