Chapter 10: Fix Wh\\\ Chapter 10: Just Broken

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Henry was awoken early that morning to rapid, insistent knocking on the front door. Giving the stirring Linda a kiss on the cheek, he got out of bed to investigate. A small pit of dread settled in his stomach when he peered out the window to see an enraged-looking Joey Drew.

Suspecting his intentions, Henry rushed to Bendy's room, scooping him up and proceeding to shove the confused demon into Linda's arms. "Keep the door closed," he muttered.

The knocking turned to pounding. "Yes, yes, I'm coming!" Henry called. Keep up a front; keep Joey away from Bendy.

He unlocked the door and feigned surprise, "Joey? What brings you here at this hour?"

"You know exactly what brings me here!" Joey snarled, shoving past Henry and sweeping the room with his glare.

Henry forced an amused smile, "I'm... afraid I don't?"

"The demon, Henry! Where is my demon?" he jabbed Henry's chest with his finger, "Where is Bendy?"


Now understanding what was cause for concern, Linda set Bendy on the bed before carefully locking the door. It wouldn't do much, but it could buy them a little time, if needed. Her gaze flicked to the phone on the wall. Should she call the police?

A whimper brought her back to the terrified devil on the bed. She silently scooped him up and tried to calm his nervous squeaks. "You'll be okay," she whispered, "We won't let him take you."


"Not the cartoon, Henry!" Joey raged, "Alive! Living and breathing!"

"Alive?" Again, he faked shock, then concern, "Joey, are you drunk? I could get you a hotel and-"

Joey swore, "Shut up, Henry! I'm not drunk, I don't need a hotel, I need my stolen property back!"

Henry almost blew his cover right then and there. Bendy wasn't Joey's "property." If anything, he was Henry's, since Henry was his true creator, but the man wouldn't dream of calling Bendy his property! "Joey, listen, I don't know what you think I stole, but I think you need to go home. You're just a bit confused-"

Joey pulled a gun from inside his coat and leveled it at Henry. "Where. Is. My. Demon?"

Had he been in arm's reach, Henry would have been able to disarm him. Instead, he just slowly raised his hands. "Joey..." he said carefully, "put the gun down. You don't have to do this."

"I will if you don't give him back."

How long should he hold to the cover? "I have nothing to give back."

Joey snarled at him, "Liar."

"Joey, please," Henry stepped to the side to get Joey turned away from the hall and the door his wife was behind, "I'm sure we can help you. Just please, put the gun d-"

The gun barrel tilted downward.

The sound made Henry's ears ring. A leaden bullet struck its target in the side, passing clean through the torso under the right rib cage.

Pain exploded through Henry's side as he groaned and doubled over, clutching the wound. He sank to his knees. Darkness closed in on his eyes.

Joey seized Henry's hair and forced his head up. "I'll ask once more. Where. Is. Bendy."


Linda set the little devil in the closet. "Stay quiet," she hissed. The gunshot had almost torn a scream from her and made Bendy freeze up completely.

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