Kinda an epilogue that I technically didn't finish but it's kinda cute

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Henry didn't want to wake up. Sleep was safe. Sleep didn't have gun-wielding megalomaniacs and ink demons.

Was that supposed to be funny? His brain had a hard time discerning what was sensible and what was a fever dream.

He remembered getting shot. That was... rather vivid. He remembered the relief that Linda was all right. He remembered the awe and slight fear of watching Bendy evolve into something terrifying. He pointedly remembered telling Bendy not to kill Joey; his creation shouldn't have blood on his hands.

The rest....

Stars, he just wanted to go back to sleep. He felt fine. If a bit sore.

Just... go back to sleep. He could try to make more sense of things later.

Bendy stirred a bit from his dozing, feeling Henry's pulse and breathing shift to that of consciousness. The little demon lifted his head from his hands and watched the man's face. His expressions shifted slightly for about a minute before he fell asleep again.

A small frown crossed Bendy's face. Ever since the nurses had let him stay in the room with Henry, he'd been waiting for the creator to wake up. Finally he had, only to fall asleep again!

Bendy stretched a bit before curling up again on Henry's chest. The little thing liked listening to his creator's heartbeat. His own pulse would often match; it made him feel warm and safe.

His eyes slid closed again. What was a few more hours?

This time, Henry actually agreed that he could be awake. He blinked his eyes open, recognizing the hospital ceiling.

His gaze drifted downward to the slight weight on his chest. He smiled at the small, black shape, curled up and soundly sleeping.

Testing his right arm, Henry was able to lay a hand on Bendy's head and slowly pet him.

Bendy visibly relaxed and started purring. Poor thing must have been worried sick.

A shape on his right shifted. A hand slid over his shoulder. Henry recognized it before he saw. His head turned to his wife. "Hey," he whispered.

Linda pecked his cheek, "Hey," she responded.

The couple touched foreheads. 


Hey! Author here! I wanted to explain what was going on with title of the last chapter. Chapter 10 of the original story is Fix What's Broken. The three slashes are supposed to represent something tearing through or crossing out the title and changing it to Just Broken. I thought it was a bit of a clever visual cue that this wasn't quite the same story. 

Quick warning before going ahead: the next chapter is a bad version of Just Broken. Like, death and gore and generally depressing stuff. So consider yourself warned! 

(In light of that, however, there is some fluff in the chapter after that. And if you ship Sammy and Susie, that's definitely for you ;) ) 

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