No, I Insist...

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The sun shone brightly in Bilbo's eyes as he awoke to another long day of his journey. The burglar rubbed his eyes as he squinted in the sunlight. He heard the sound of thirteen pairs of feet shuffle beside his head. The hobbit noticed that two feet were beside his head and he felt eyes staring at him as he sat up.

"Get up, halfing," a booming voice told the hobbit, "Time to start our next day to the mountain. Now, hurry!" 

A hand grabbed Bilbo's arm, pulling him to his feet. He looked at the figure who helped him to his feet. The burglar rested his hand on the dwarves' shoulder and felt his black hair intertwine with his fingers. The hobbit realized where his hands were and pulled away from the figure.

"Um… sorry Thorin," Bilbo stuttered, "Um… thanks." The hobbit blushed a bit and turned toward his pack, throwing it on his back.

"No problem, burglar," Thorin said, smiling. It's too cute the way he blushes, the King Under the Mountain thought. He turned to the rest of the Company. "We move on!" he yelled.

The hobbit huffed and ran toward the Company, who had almost left the overnight stop completely.

"Wait! Thorin… AH!" Bilbo screamed. He had fallen into a fairly deep pit which was covered with a pile of leaves. The hobbit winced in pain of his right ankle.

"Bilbo!" Thorin yelled, running toward the pit to see the small hobbit laying at the bottom of the pit. "Are you alright?"

"No. Yeah. I'm fine," Bilbo stammered, "Can you get me out of here?!"

The hobbit heard shuffling at the top of the pit and a few minutes later a rope was thrown down. Bilbo looked at the rope and sighed. He pulled himself up with the rope and tried to climb up it.

"No need to worry, Master Baggins," Thorin from the top of the pit, "I'll come down. You all go ahead. Just, not too far."

The moving of twenty-two feet walked away.

"Balin," Thorin said, "Stay here to pull us up."

"Of course, Thorin," a voice said.

A figure climbed down the rope, being cautious of a injured Bilbo Baggins. Thorin set his feet down and sat Bilbo down to look at his ankle.

"Now, let me see your wound," Thorin insisted.

"Thorin, no… It's fine. I just… I think… I'm fine…" Bilbo stuttered.

"No, Bilbo," Thorin said quietly, "I insist."

He called me Bilbo, the hobbit thought, It sounds nice when he says it.

The burglar nodded slowly and rolled his right pant leg up to reveal a large bruise on his ankle. Thorin examined this wound carefully and opened the small glass bottle of a clear liquid. Thorin dumped a small pile onto his hand. A cold sensation blew over Bilbo as it met his ankle.

Thorin rubbed the ointment around the bruise, making the hobbit moan slightly. Thorin smiled and laughed at the hobbit's noises.

"What are you laughing at?" Bilbo asked. He scooted toward a wall of the pit and rested his head against it.

"You," Thorin said, "and those… noises you made." Thorin wanted to say that they were cute noises, but he didn't want to reveal his love for the halfling. Thorin frowned a little at Bilbo's ankle.

"Oh… Ah. Okay," the hobbit said with a little laugh. Bilbo was confused, but felt something warm inside when Thorin talked to him. His voice sounded soothing and to Bilbo's ears. He blushed at the thought.

"Are you all done down there?" Balin yelled, "The Company is getting antsy."

Thorin sighed.

"We should go back up, Thorin," Bilbo said sadly. Bilbo enjoyed the dwarf's company and wanted to stay there forever.

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