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Life settled down for Sanem and Can, as they waited for their children to be born.   Sanem had started working totally from home, and again family members took turns staying with her if Can had to go into the office.  Baby and the kittens loved it that they had people with them at home. They loved their days at home with Sanem.

  They loved their days at home with Sanem

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The next visit to Dr. Yaman is scheduled for 32 weeks, and Sanem is to have another ultrasound.  It has been easy to keep an eye on the identical twin girls, but the third baby has remained shy and they still do not know the sex of this child.  Can is really hoping for a boy, but Sanem is happy with a healthy child.  Dr. Yaman has already warned them that a C-section would need to be done, between 32 weeks and 36 weeks. Sanem is so petite, the babies will not have much room to grow.  Sanem has been seeing the doctor every week for a few weeks already.

Sanem has continued to do weekly live broadcasts, but has decided that this week will probably be her last one for a while. She warned her fans last week, but they have been begging her to continue until after the babies arrive.

When she opened her broadcast, she reminded her fans that this week would be the last cooking show for a while.  Questions were popping up like crazy, and Sanem laughed saying, "I will answer all of your questions the best I can, while we make Turkish Rice Pudding today.  That's something I have been craving, so I thought we would do it today."

She said, "Thank you for all your concerns about the trial. All we could do is tell the truth and it worked, things have calmed down now.  Yes, I am so sorry that my husband's former friend had to go to prison, but she told the truth and that is what happened.  We do feel safer now thank you.  No, we were not scared of the criminal family member she has because we knew that the justice system would prevail, if we were all truthful.   I like this quote from Mark Twain, an American writer 'It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.'  Our fight was big, to protect our children, and myself."

Now today we are making Turkish Baked Rice Pudding or Firin Sutlac.  I have already cooked the rice, mixed in all the whole milk except one cup, added sugar, and vanilla extract and it has boiled gently for 10 minutes.

Now I am whisking the leftover cup of milk and the cornstarch until smooth.  Continue stirring as you pour into the rice mixture, turn up the heat until pudding is scalding.  When the pudding thickens, continue to stir for two minutes.  Remove from the heat and put into small ovenware cups.

Sanem continued mixing and talking while she swirled small amounts of egg yolk and milk mixture on top of the small cups.  She then placed the cups into a hot oven for about 20 minutes, until nicely browned.  She told her fans that she used vanilla extract instead of rose water, as that is what she has been craving, and either one is good.

  She told her fans that she used vanilla extract instead of rose water, as that is what she has been craving, and either one is good

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