Ch. 6

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3rd Person POV

The sound of screeching tires filled the hospital parking lot as Bakugo slammed the car into one of the closest parking spots. Midoryia was practically drenched in sweat as he laid slumped against the car door. His skin has grown an even paler color in the short 5 minutes that they had spent propelling through traffic.

Bakugo rushed over to Midoryia's side as he opened the car door and unbuckled him from his seat. He hoisted the greenette into his arms, using his foot to slam the door shut and sprint towards the front doors of the hospital.

The moment they entered, everything went to chaos.

"Oh my god is that Ground Zero?"
"What's Ground Zero doing here?"
"Who's he holding?"

"Get me a god damn doctor now!" Bakugo shouted out amongst the gossip. Almost immediately there was a gurney at his side as doctors took Midoryia out of his arms and onto it.

"Ground Zero, what happened?" One of the doctors asked as Bakugo tailed them into the hallway.

"He was hit by a quirk last night while on patrol and got sick over night. He seemed to be getting better earlier today but he suddenly regressed and I think it's because of the quirk." Bakugo answered, his eyes remaining locked on his roommate's pale body. Midoryia's breathing was shallow as he took in many quick breathes at a time, his face scrunching up in pain. Bakugo's stomach churned.

As Midoryia was wheeled into an OR, Bakugo was suddenly stopped by another doctor. "I'm sorry Ground Zero, but you can't go any farther past this point. I'm going to have to ask you to wait in our waiting room."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not going to just sitting around like a helpless loser! Deku could be dying in there!" Bakugo retorted back, anger dropping from his voice.

"Exactly. Deku could be dying which is way the doctors need to be at their best focus right now to help him. You will only be a distraction."

Bakugo went to argue but quickly shut his mouth. As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. He growled, looking through the small window of the door that lead into the room. Midoryia was on the table now but he was quickly covered by a curtain.

"Please sir." The doctor pleaded with him as Bakugo remained in place. Bakugo looked down at the woman before rolling his eyes and walking back down the hallway and to the waiting room.

He took his seat in one of the chairs closest to the door, putting his face in his hands as he sat. He could feel a wet substance begin to trinkle onto the skin of his hands causing him to pull back. He touch his cheek to find more of the liquid on his face as well. That's when he noticed what was happening.

Am I really crying over Deku?

Fever (Sick Deku) (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now