Ch. 7

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An hour had passed since Midoryia had been taken into the OR room. Bakugo remained hunched in his seat, his eyes fixated on the floor. He could here the others gossiping around him.

"Why's Ground Zero in the hospital?"
"He doesn't look hurt."
"Maybe somebody he knows is here."

Bakugo clenched his teeth together, trying his best to block out their words. As every minute passed, Bakugo grew more and more concerned.

Did they have to do surgery on him? If so, could his body really handle that kind of stress in the state that he's in?

He growled softly to himself as he hoisted himself out of his seat, walking down the hallway towards the bathrooms. Once he was inside and sure that he was alone, he locked the door. He slumped against the wall. At first, he sat there in silence, before everything hit him at once.

He couldn't stop the tears from escaping from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He didn't even attempt to wipe them away as they continued to fall, landing on the ground in front of him. He remained silent, apart from a few sniffles here and there, before picking himself back up once he was sure he had gotten it all out of his system.

He made his way over to one of the mirrors positioned over the bathroom sinks. His face was a soft red while his eyes became puffy. He leaned over the sink, splashing water into his face before wiping it up with a towel.

I need to pull myself together. Deku's going to be fine and me crying in the bathroom isn't going to help with anything anyways.

He unlocked the door and made his way back to the waiting room. As he was walking back he noticed a familiar doctor standing at the entrance of the room. She turned around at the sound of footsteps behind her.

"There you are! I was looking for you!" She stated as she turned to face him. "I have an update on Deku."

Bakugo's eyes widened. "Well? Is he okay? Did you fix him?"

Doctor grew silent for a moment before answering. "Well...yes but it's a little more complicated than that."

"Complicated. What do you mean complicated? Is Deku alive or not?"

"Yes, he's in one of the recovery rooms."

"Great then I want to see him."

"That's the thing though sir. I need to warn you before you go in there."

Bakugo looked down at her. "About what?"

The doctor couldn't help but flinch from the coldness of his voice. "W-Well the quirk that hit Deku was indeed the cause of his sickness, but it wasn't working the way that it should have worked on him."

"What's that supposed to mean? What was the quirk supposed to do to him?"

"It w-was supposed to just knock him out for about a week or two, but we believe that whatever quirk that Deku possesses was helping his body fight against the effect of the other quirk, leading to his illness. So in order for the quirk to run it's course, we had to use quirk suppressants in order to stop his quirk from causing any more damage to his body."

"Run it's course? So what're you saying?"

"We are going to be keeping the suppressants in his body for the time being to allow the quirk inside of him to flush out instead of fighting against it so that means...Deku will be in a coma for about a week or two."


The word hung heavy in the air as Bakugo tried to wrap his head around what she was saying. "Is he going to make it?"

"Yes, he is believed to make a full recovery once the quirk is successfully out of his system."

Bakugo staid silent for a moment, before answering. "I want to see him, now."

"Yes sir." The doctor quickly complied,
leading him down the hallway and towards the recovery rooms. They stopped in front of one of the rooms and the doctor opened the door for him. "I'll give you two some privacy." She stated as Bakugo walked past her and into the room, closing the door behind him.

Midoryia was unconscious in the bed positioned in the room, lying flat on his back as his chest rose and fell as he breathed. It reminded Bakugo of when he first found him earlier that morning. It was crazy how so much had changed in just a span of a few hours.

Bakugo pulled up a chair next to the bed and looked at his roommate. Midoryia's green hair was flattened against his head due to the sweat presented on his body. He had a breathing mask over his nose and mouth and an iv attached to one of his arms. Bakugo's heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. He had never seen his friend like this before, and it made him sick to his stomach.

Without realizing it at first, Bakugo's hands were holding on tightly to Midoryia's. His skin felt hot to touch but it wasn't nearly as bad as early. That meant the suppressants were doing their job.

"Damn it you stupid nerd. You always get yourself into this idiotic messes." Bakugo mumbled.

He remained in that position for about an hour, just quietly sitting at Midoryia's side before one of the doctors came in.

"Ground Zero, I'm awfully sorry but visiting hours are over for the day. You can come back first thing in the morning." The doctor said. Bakugo looked at the doctor before turning back to Midoryia. He slowly let go of his friend's hand and stood up.

"I'll be back tomorrow." Bakugo said in almost a whisper before trudging past the doctor. He made his way out of the hospital and back to his car. The drive home was silent as he refused to turn on the radio.

Once he was home, he could feel the atmosphere in the apartment change. This was actually the fist time he was alone in the apartment. Deku was always here, and even when he was away with hero work, Bakugo usually went with him. Bakugo made his way over to his bedroom, crawling into his bed and staring at the ceiling.

Now, all there was to do was wait.

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