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Jim is the first off the ship when we finally dock, dragging me through the crowds by the hand. I don't know how we're ever going to find Mrs Hawkins in the crowd, but somehow, after only a few minutes, Jim points to a woman wearing a yellow bonnet with blue ribbons and a white shawl.

"That's her," he says, leading me towards her. He reaches out a hand and lays it gently on her shoulder, smiling as she turns.

"Jim," she gasps, then hugs him tightly.

I step back, suddenly incredibly awkward. I fiddle with the hem of my shirt, scuffing one foot on the ground while I wait.

"Mom, there's someone I want you meet," Jim says when they separate, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Hi, Mrs Hawkins." I smile, extending a hand. "I'm (Y/N)."

"Please, call me Sarah." She takes my hand, shaking it firmly and smiling. "It's lovely to meet you."

Morph finds that moment an appropriate time to float up in front of her face, giggling at her shocked expression.

"Morph!" Jim and I exclaim at the same time.

Rebuilding the Benbow Inn is one of the weirdest experiences of my life. Firstly, there's the fact that Sarah still doesn't know – and will never find out hopefully – that I was instrumental in burning it down in the first place. There's the very cherry-picked version of the story about how we got the treasure and why there isn't more of it which manages to change every time we tell it, as well as the subject of why I'm so at home in the ceiling rafters and on the roof, as well as the few times I accidentally threw tools with perfect accuracy to other people when I was helping out, and the one incredibly uncomfortable instance when she walked in on me throwing knives into a cork board Jim kindly fixed to the wall of what is now our bedroom. Although it takes us over a year, we get it done.

I'm leaning against the wall, out of the way but with a good view of the room – apparently it would have been impolite to sit in the ceiling – on the night of the opening when the door opens to reveal two robo-cops. The room goes silent for a second, then they part to allow Jim through and everyone cheers.

My boyfriend smiles, looking resplendent in his space cadet's uniform. He shakes the hands of the two officers, laughing as Morph transforms himself into a badge and takes up a place on his shoulder. His eyes scan the room, and I wave awkwardly from my position. To my horror, he makes a b-line straight towards me, drawing everyone's attention with him, and lightly kisses my cheek.

"Really?" I say, crossing my arms, "right here?"

"Yeah, where else?" he grins, and I feel my face heating up. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed," he laughs.

"Shut up," I mutter, but I'm smiling.

The night passes quickly. I find it more fun to watch other people than actually dance or join in with anything myself, but Jim still manages to spin me around to the music a few times.

I lean back against Jim's chest, his head bent so that his chin rests on my shoulder and his arms folded across my stomach. I decide that nobody is paying attention to us and that we're safe from people's eyes, so I turn my head and brush his lips lightly with mine.

"I adore you," I whisper, smiling.

"Right back at you," he grins, then kisses me. 

Our Treasure (Jim Hawkins x Female Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now