Repentance/New birth

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(iiCorinthians5:17-If anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation; the old thing has passed away, behold all has become new.) this means once you are born again you are therefore a new creation in Christ no matter how much you backslide no matter how many sins you commit Jesus is willing to forgive you. But should we keep sinning because of his grace ‘God forbid’ we should never go back to our sinful ways because of the grace of God ‘never’. A passage in a book written by smith Wigglesworth says that ‘’ no matter how much you backslide or how much of a sinner you are the blood of Jesus is there to purify you of all those sins’’ he referred to this scriptures [1john1:17] & [Acts2: -4]
           Never you think that you can be righteous by your own will
No! never you think you can be righteous through your own will, we cannot be holy by our own selves because we are limited more to the flesh than seeing our hope in Christ Jesus and because of this we are controlled by the things of this world. [Galatians5:17-for the desires of the flesh are against the spirit, and the desires of the spirit are against the flesh; for this are opposed to each other to prevent you from doing what you would do.]  this is the reason why we cannot be righteous by our self or our will, therefore we can only be righteous through the spirit which is the holy spirit [Galatians5:18-But if you are led by the spirit you are not under the law] ‘the law here means flesh’. That means through the holy spirit we are made righteous. A passage in a book written by smith Wigglesworth says that ‘’god is my assurance and sustaining power; the spirit of the living God sweeps through all weaknesses which is the holy spirit’’. And that’s why we cannot be righteous through our selves only through the holy spirit can we be righteous mind you that a scripture in the bible says that our righteousness through our own strength and will is as a filthily rag. We should be aware that only through faith in Christ can we be righteous [iiCorinthians5:17]. 
            A prayer on Repentance
"o lord, I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, son of the living God. I believe he died for me and God raised him from dead. I believe He’s is alive today. I confess with my mouth that he is my lord of my life from this day on. Through him and his name I have eternal life; I’m born again. Thank you lord, for saving my soul! I’m now a child of God. Hallelujah!". Amen
congratulations!!! You are now a child of God. 
Please if you prayed the prayer above I will like you to contact me through this number [08114332480] thank you!
Chapters of the bible that will assist you
Books by men of God
∆DOCTRINE of Repentance-∆Thomas Watson
∆ What is repentance? -R. C. SPROUL
∆True Repentance-Zacharias tanee
∆repentance: a daring-jack miller
∆Restoration for Backsliders-David oyedepo
∆Manifestations of the Spirit-David oyedepo
∆Redemption and Remission-Chris oyakhilome
∆Understanding Righteousness-Chris oyakhilome
∆Holy spirit power-smith Wigglesworth

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