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          Faith described in the dictionary as ‘faith’ / feɪθ / noun [ uncountable] a strong feeling of trust in someone or something.
         Why faith is being described in the bible in [hebrews11:1-4 – ‘to have faith is to be sure of the thigs we hope for, to certain of the things we cannot see.]. with this explanation we should have a hint of what faith means.
        But the question here is where, who or what do you really put your faith in, do you really trust your God or man or in your money or the amount of influence you have in the world. As Christians who do we put our faith in what do you really believe in; faith is also known as your religion or belief that’s why I asked who do you believe in, is God your only hope or do you really hope on man, it is not possible to look up and at the same time be looking down no never!, when situations are difficult who do you put your faith in "I ask this question so much because is it really matters", no matter how difficult the situation is I assure you put your faith in God and he will never disappoint you, Abraham trusted God for a son and he gave it to him at the most unbelievable age. God told Abraham that he would make him a father of nations when he hadn’t even a child for himself and he trusted God not looking at his situation but at the one he believed in, and God made it happen, today Abraham has a whole nation of Israel. That is faith not looking at the situation but looking at God because you trust that he has the capacity to fulfil your request. [Romans8:24-for we are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for what a man seeth why doth he hopes for.] "hope is same as faith so don’t get confused", hope is having faith in God even when you have not seen it. have you ever felt at some point in time that you have no choice but to give up and accept defeat then you are wrong, God wants us to be successful in life he wants us to overcome every battle we face and best part is; he has the full capacity to do it for you and he is more than willing to help you as long as you believe in his power. The same God that did it for Abraham is willing to do better for you he is not man that he should lie or fail you, he has never failed anyone and he will never fail you because he is the unchanging God he has never changed he remains the same forever. [mark9:23-jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth] this was what Jesus told the father of the boy that had epilepsy, this is trying to tell us that it’s up to you to believe God is ever ready to answer your request you just have to believe in him. Here are other scriptures, [Mark11:23-for verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say to this mountain, be thou removed, and be cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.] [Mathew21:22-And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.], [Mathew7:7-Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.] I hope this strengthens your faith in God. Thank you!
In other to grow your faith in God you have to constantly feed on God’s word, [Romans10:17-faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God] only by hearing, meditating and practicing the word of God can you increase in your faith. 
The word is living and active in me, and inspires faith in me to overcome challenges and maintain my victorious life in Christ. I’m born of the word; therefore, I live by the word. As I study and mediate on the word, my faith is strengthened and improved, from glory to glory, and blessing of acting on the word are evident in my life, in Jesus’ name Amen.
Blessed be God! I’ve overcome the world, its systems and structures. My faith is strong and effective for continuous success, victories and triumph! I have no fear, for nothing is impossible unto me. My life is being constantly framed by the word of God, resulting in ever-increasing praise and glory to the father. Hallelujah! 
Scriptures on faith

Books on faith
•Ever increasing faith-smith Wigglesworth
•The power of faith-smith Wigglesworth
•On Faith-smith Wigglesworth
•Only Believe-Smith Wigglesworth


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