A start to the New Year

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I have been M.I.A for 6 months because I'm to lazy to get up and write. I'm going to continue and hopefully this year I will get it right and update alot more than last year SOOOO here we go.

Rihanna's POV

"Hold on you had WHAT!" My mother screamed "Is this family going crazy, this is insane Rihanna I had bigger expectations for you and you go and do some shit like this, I am highly disappointed"

"Ma I'm sorry" I started to get teary eyed

"We don't want to hear your sorry ass excuses, ROOM NOW" my dad stated, I though he was going to have steam coming out of his head. I rolled my eyes strolling to bed not really careing what they thought about my decision, I just hated being yelled at.

K.Michelle's POV

I was with my boyfriend Alex and we were watching T.V together my parents had no idea he was even here I know they were busy yelling at Ri so they didn't have any time wondering what I was doing. *Knock Knock* "Who is it?" Becoming scared having to think fast on how the hell to hide Alex "Its your father open this damn door NOW!" "One minute" I screamed stuffing Alex in my closet "What the hell!" Alex proclaimed moving my hand out of his way "Go in the closet I don't want my dad to see you" I tried to secretly whisper while Alex was just standing there *BOOM* it was to late my dad had already knocked the door down.

Nicki's POV

I was in my room bored as hell as usual, that's how it's been for the past couple of weeks, well now there months. "Nicki, Nicki* Someone was whispering outside of my balcony. I went to my balcony and opened the door peering into someone's chocolate brown eyes. It was Wayne and he looked as handsome as ever, I kind of had a crush on him. "Hey, what are doing here" I exclaimed growing excited. "I came to see you ma, I wanted to get you out of this hell hole" "Wayne no I'm not trying to get into anymore trouble with my parents, and don't you think I would have thought about sneaking out already." "Please, the crew misses you and we barely get to see each other in school" I closed the balcony door and opened my room door looking outside searching to see if my parents would notice I'm gone, after all I have been locked in here for the past 5 hours already so getting fresh air wouldn't hurt right? "Alright" I said while opening the balcony door "let's go" "Yesss" Wayne yelled getting excited and holding my hand. A big grin apperead on my face. Let's hope I don't get into anymore trouble.

There you have it guys I will hopefully resume my updates. Happy New Year you guys.

To New Beginning's: Nicki Minaj, K.Michelle, Rihanna Story.Where stories live. Discover now